Chapter 26

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A'moura POV

I got up outta bed put on my black silk robe and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I went downstairs and started to cook for August and I then I heard Dizzy wake up.

" Hey pretty baby " I smiled and picked her up she barked. I made her food and went back to cooking feelings arms around my waist.

" Goodmoaning mama " August said I smiled

" GoodMorning Handsome " he kissed my cheek slapped my ass hard and sat on the counter.

" babe that hurt " I whined as I flipped sausages. I felt the need to throw up I ran to the restroom throwing up my fucking guts. I sat on the floor feeling august grabbed my hair. Once I was done I got up brushed my teeth again this been happening for bout few weeks.

" mama wazzam? " I shrugged

" this been happening ever since the week before we split up " he nodded and smiled widely.

" can you take me to the doctor ? " I asked he nodded and kissed my cheek going to turn off the food.  I went to get dressed in some simple I didn't care if I was cute I felt horrible. I grabbed my my purse and my phone going downstairs to see August Dressed.

" Ya' ready ?" I nodded

He grabbed my hand and dizzy walking out the house. I turned and locked up before he opened my door I got in and thanked him. I leaned against the door as he started to pull off.

* 15mins later *

We just walked inside the hospital and August went to sign me in as I Sat and held Dizzy.

" phat you okay ?" I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder. Not long after I was about to doze off  my name was called.

" A'moura Alsina " the doctor called out giving a warm smile. I giggled and we stood up following the doctor. We arrived at a room we walked in I sat on the table.

" Okay we are gonna run some test such as blood , a pregnancy test && test for an illnesses" I nodded he took my blood and then told me to go pee in a cup . Once I was done I cleaned up and washed my hands drying them leaving handing him back the cup. When he left me and August made small talk. He's such a damn goof man.

*30mins later*

" Alrighty Mrs.Alsina I'm back " I smiled like DUH BITCH WE SEE YOU !

" Wellll Congratulations Mrs.Alsina You Are...."

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