Author's Note

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Hey guys! This is my first book, so I hope you enjoy. Warning: it's going to be long!

For sake of plot convenience, Laxus's exile lasts about three years before Fairy Tail is able to locate him. Further adjustments to the plot will probably happen later, but nothing too major.

EDIT: Okay another change is in this book, basically all the main characters are the same age, whether it be in the "present" or in a memory. In the present, they are all around 22.

EDIT: I know it says reader for the character, but I originally started this book with a character's name as a placeholder and I completely forgot to change it. Sorry! I hope that doesn't matter too much. I just didn't want to go back and change it for like 30 chapters. So here's a quick description of the character: her name is Emiko (people usually call her Emi) and she has long white hair and silver eyes. She's about five feet tall and LOVES flowers. She has a black tattoo on her right arm, but it's usually hidden when she wears her cloak. The outfit is probably just going to be whatever you decide because I don't really remember mentioning it. I included a picture of my general idea for the character. (Note: I don't own the picture {or Fairy Tail}. I just found it on google.)

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

PhoenixNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ