Chapter 4: Choices maketh God

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Note : This is my first ever fanfiction. English is my third language so don't expect the most flawless writing from me. I had this idea for quite some time & wanted to give it life, so I started writing. Any helpful feedback is appreciated. Also again I own nothing except my own skin & do not want to offend any party. This is only for entertainment. Enjoy~


[Ding! Quest generated. World choice detected...]

[Please choose one of the following actions...]

|•[1] You are a god. Everyone should kneel infront of you, no matter whom. Being low key & planning hard isn't for you. Just beat them all up.

Task: Gather your army & wage a world war on the entire planet and bring it to its heels.

Conquer more than 50% of the planet.

(Note : The host is given a time limit of 15 years to achieve this effect)

Reward: 'Leviathan God-killer axe' weapon card.

•[2] You are a god but not an idiot. Don't just blindly wage war on everyone. First plan & grow your strength. After all brains are better than brawns. Why use violence to conquer people when you can just rule the world the legal way ... technically.

Task: Use your smarts, knowledge & everything else in your arsenal to build and grow a business empire worth a minimum of a trillion dollars and achieve control over the global financial world and gain connections & massive influence, strong enough to manipulate or topple multiple governments.

(Note : The host is given a time limit of 15 years to achieve this effect)

Reward: 'Golden Rule of the Stars' perk card.

•[3] This is a second life for you where you are born as a freaking god. You don't need to worry about stuff like the end of the world when there are already people present to stop that. You just take it easy and live a slow life.

Task: Do nothing, just chill & enjoy life.

(Note : There is no time limit for this task)

Reward: Gorr the God butcher chases & kills you in the most horrifying way possible.|

[Additional Note 1: Due to being this the host's first mission as well as the high time duration & complexity of the quest, rewards of the selected choice will be given at the time of choice selection instead of mission completion. In case of failure of completing mission within time limit, all rewards will be taken back. No penalties will be given in such case.]

[Additional note 2: Punishments are not given by the system but are actually the most probable results of the host's choices & actions]

[Additional note 3: Due to the contradictory nature of the three choices in this case & also being the host's first choice, only one can be selected]

Wow now this is unexpected. I really didn't think that quests by the system will be choice based like this. Although I think this is better because I am not only getting options here but I am getting the reward in advance as well.

In fact even if I fail to complete the mission, it still won't affect me much since I am not only going to face no penalty but I am also able to use my reward for the entire mission duration and get to keep all the benefits that it will bring me during this period.

But the third mission is a little worrying since I can almost regard it as a warning from the system that Gorr will one day come after me to kill me, most probably since I am a God as well.

I hope its the Christian Bale version, that way I can atleast ask him do the famous sigma meme face for me before he tries to kill me.

Anyways I think I'll choose the 2nd option, after all even though the Leviathan axe sounds great and all for killing gods, I don't think conquering earth with it within the time limit by waging war will be that easy especially since there are too many stupidly powerful gods and entities already vying for the planet.

A New God's life in MarvelNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ