Chapter 70: New god fools a cunning Witch?

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"And why do you think that I will believe that a newly born god like you can help me escape from my prison when I as a true god couldn't do it myself," Morgan asked with one of her brows up.

"Because you aren't able to do this," Rudeus said with a smirk as he placed one of his red divine energy-coated fingers on the magical barrier of the castle. His divine energy immediately began to corrode the mystic energy of the seal in front of her eyes.

"Ohhh. I see. I guess you are right for the job then. Fine, What do you want in return for freeing me? And don't reply with something like a date. We both know you aren't that foolish." She said in her usual royal highborn British accent.

"Well, you got me. But before I make my demand, I have a few questions for you which will determine what I want from you in return for freeing you." Rudeus said.

"Go ahead then."

"What did you mean when you said you are a true god," Rudeus asked curiously.

"I am a descendent of the fae, the magical beings who were born from nature itself. I have their bloodline in me. I even worship the one true nature goddess, Gaea. After I got my initial magical knowledge from Merlin, which believe me wasn't much since I didn't marry that perverted old man, I with the help of Gaea mastered ancient fae magic and was able to activate my latent bloodline and make myself into a true god." Morgan told her story with pride.

"Wait, so you are telling me you are a fairy? Like Tinker Bell and Fairy Godmother type fairy with a pink dress and fairy dust?" Vanessa interrupted her trying to suppress her own laughter.

"Pray that I don't have to use any fairy dust on you girl, it's not exactly as child friendly as it's rumored to be," Morgan told her angrily as she was ticked off by Vanessa's comment on her lineage.

"Anyways as I was saying after I became a true goddess, I tried to fight Merlin and my brother to prevent the conversion of the kingdom to Christianity but alas I was unsuccessful. Even though I almost defeated him, another mage named the White Witch interfered and helped Merlin to imprison me here in my own home, Castle le Fay." She ended her tale of 'almost winning' against her enemies.

"That's so sad. Anyways, my next question is do you know how to summon or open a portal to the Norn goddess of magic, Karnilla?" Rudeus asked.

"That bitch? Pardon my language, but of course I do. I even had a battle with her once. Why would you possibly want to go to her realm? She isn't exactly cordial with visitors." Morgana said with a little underlying anger in her voice.

"As I said I am a god. So I need to learn Godly divine magic, not sorcery or fae magic. So I thought that if you could teach me the basics and help me get Karnilla as my divine magic teacher, it will be quite helpful. I heard she is one of the strongest magicians ever." Rudeus said shamelessly.

"Did you probably not hear when I said I am a true Fae god, which means I know divine magic just as well as her if not even better and I am much stronger than that Karnilla? Also didn't you request me to be your only magic teacher a few minutes ago?"

"Well, I don't think I ever said that, and I never exactly 'requested' you. I would call it making a deal which by the way profits you more. And are you sure you are stronger than Karnilla because you don't look the part? I heard she even has something called the Norn stones that can change reality itself. Also, she is a God Queen of the Norns and has a lot of books on magic I can read there. She is probably more suited to be a better teacher." Rudeus egged her on further.

"Oh please. I have a castle too and this dimension rightfully belongs to me as its only queen. If it wasn't for the final battle against my brother and that perverted old mage, I would be ruling it now, so I am a God Queen too in a way. Also, I may not have as many books as her but I do have more knowledge and understanding. I even have the matrix stone, the tenth Norn stone that is supposed to be the controller of the nine remaining stones." She spoke in a hurry to impress Rudeus and satisfy her ego.

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