Chapter 80: New god makes a Ghostly friend who likes Leather and Bikes

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"He is here. My father's little attack dog." Blackheart said in a disgusted tone as he stared at the direction the sound was coming from. It was getting closer and closer every second.

Soon a fiery figure became visible which became brighter and brighter as it came towards them. The figure finally stopped moving after it arrived a few meters away from where they were standing.

It was the one and only Ghost Rider who was right now riding on his iconic burning skeleton motorcycle. He got off his motorcycle after he stopped and looked towards them.

He took a glance at Blackheart before giving Rudeus a once-over in an appraising manner and then went back to looking at Blackheart again.

"Let me guess, you took care of my henchmen didn't you? Well, I knew they would inevitably die against you but truthfully I expected to be there when you killed them, maybe even save them if they were useful enough. But I guess sometimes plans don't exactly work like we expect them to, do they? Only if I hadn't tried to take care of that girl, my other plans wouldn't have been derailed right now. A pity.

I guess that's what we get when we try to do things unplanned. I truly didn't expect someone unique like him to be here to stop me from killing that girl. *Sigh*. Well, no sweat. I'll just have to re-evaluate some of my plans. But before I go, I don't guess you'll give me the location of the contract of San Venganza, will you?" Blackheart jokingly asked the burning skeleton.

"The only thing you'll get demon is what's coming to you, judgment." The angel of Vengeance said in a threatening manner as he placed his hand on the metal chain wrapped around his shoulder.

"There is nobody in the world worthy enough to judge me, not you and certainly not my father." He said as the smile that had come back on his face after meeting the Ghost Rider vanished. "I would have already killed the two of you if I had my true powers if I could use my real form but fortunately for you, I am what the people nowadays call nerfed by my father. Also, the mystic barrier made by the human sorcerers is also quite annoyingly effective. It even constantly opposes my remaining demonic powers. I can't even tap into the full power of my concept or the dark force because of it."

After saying his piece, the demon prince just turned into black mist and evaporated into the atmosphere.

Rudeus wanted to stop him but he had no idea how to destroy him even if he was able to stop him from living and if he remembered right, even the Ghost Rider from the movie-verse wasn't able to really put the demon down before he absorbed the souls of the San Veganza contract. This was mainly because Blackheart wasn't really a physical or spiritual being but instead a conceptual demonic entity that derived his power from sins and suffering much like his royal red-ass father Mephisto.

That's why both the Ghost Rider and Rudeus didn't try to stop the demon prince and just let him leave without a serious fight.

'I'll probably have to contact Morgana about him. Shit. Just when I thought I wouldn't have to face any big-level threats before I learned magic, I meet this smartass delusional demon prince with daddy issues. One such prince was gonna be enough for me in this world and I was truthfully expecting Loki to fill up that particular position.' Rudeus thought annoyedly.

"What is a god doing here?" Johnny Blaze in his Ghost Rider form asked as he now stared at Rudeus with his fiery hollow eyes like he was looking at his very soul.

"Just enjoying life. Nothing more, nothing less." Rudeus answered in a calm and collected voice.

"Hmm. Don't sin, god or I will come after you." Ghost rider threatened him.

"Is that a threat? Because I don't take threats too well, especially from talking gothic skulls with a leather fetish. And as for sinning, I don't 'sin'. I just make questionable life choices." Rudeus said with a straight face and a serious expression while also making it clear that he didn't like Ghost Rider threatening him.

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