Chapter 9: Preparations of a New god (Part 3)

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Note : This is my first ever fanfiction. English is my third language so don't expect the most flawless writing from me. I had this idea for quite some time & wanted to give it life, so I started writing. Any helpful feedback is appreciated. Also again I own nothing except my own skin & do not want to offend any party. This is only for entertainment. Enjoy~


The last two years had been very productive for Rudeus & his secret society of followers. He had made sure to completely milk his knowledge about the 90s.

He now controls future tech giants like Google, Netflix & others as well. He knew he was going to make huge money by the time his investments begin to pay off. He could even make strong connections & gain influence through them in global politics at the highest levels as well.

What he was worried about was influence on the government & societal icons at the grassroot level. That would be hard because that needs time & connections more than money or resources. So he was still working on that.

'Maybe I need to absorb an organization with connections & influence like that' he thought to himself. He could probably find a dozen such secret organizations lying around in the world. This was Marvel after all. Being part of secret organizations was the norm here.

But that was in the future. Currently he was training to become stronger. After all even gods need to work out to stay in shape.

He had been trying out & experimenting his powers for the last two years. And he was proud to say that he had almost perfected them to the max.

Right now he was on Mars. He had flown here. And yeah, he could fly. His Supernatural physique lets him do that. His strength, speed, senses, durability and resistance to diseases & poisons have all been greatly enhanced to godly levels by it.

And the alpha physiology perk helped him in getting the most out of his unique physique. It helped him grow way quicker than he should have grown.

What would have taken him centuries or even millenia of training to reach his current level of strength was completed in just two years. His growth due to his alpha physique was tremendous. It was like having a Zenkai boost, only he didn't have to almost die every time.

The alpha physiology perk is supposed to make him more or less the Captain America of his 'race' although there were no other members of his 'race' for him to compare himself with.

He knew he would be able to easily match comic Thor in physical attributes now, which was amazing since Thor who was a god with both Elder god blood & Asgardian royal blood in him took multiple millenia to reach that level of strength.

But there was a slight problem right now, he was quickly reaching his limit which was quite unexpected. He had thought that he could have Darkseid's level of strength, holding black holes in his palms & twisting space with his hands.

But that didn't happen. Instead he was quickly reaching his physical limit even with the alpha physiology.

He wondered if he needed something more like more time or training or near death challenges to reach that level of strength or did he need something else like some kind of additional powerup.

Now that he thought about it, wasn't Darkseid's main reason of strength the Omega effect? Yeah, it should be since it even gave similar levels of power & strength to his daughter Grail as well. The same with Odin, he too displayed so much strength mainly due to the Odinforce.

'If my theory is correct, then I would need to awaken either an extremely powerful divinity to dynamically increase my powers or gain access to some sort of external force.'

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