Chapter 123: Clone Wars (1)

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"I hate perfection. To be perfect is to be unable to improve any further."



[Ding! Quest generated. World choice detected...]

[Please choose one of the following actions...]

|•[1] Clones, how disgusting!

Task: Destroy Mr. Sinister's body and soul.

(Note: This particular task has to be completed within 12 hours)

Reward: 'Witcher verse spell-code (complete)' item card.

•[2] Your enemies can have hax clones with hax abilities. So why can't you?

Task: Recruit Sinister into your faction and gain their loyalty for yourself.

(Note: This particular task has to be completed within 12 hours)

Reward: 'Pantheon creation' perk card.

•[3] Clones are living beings as well, equal to the value of your own life. Help them flourish.

Task: Help Sinister make clones of every super-powered being on the planet.

(Note: This particular task has to be completed within the next 12 hours.)

Reward: 'Lover of clones' title card, 'Hater of normies' title card, and Death of all normal living beings with them being replaced by clones.|

[Additional Note 1: In case of failure to complete the mission within the time limit, no penalties will be given.]

[Additional note 2: Punishments are not given by the system but are the most probable results of the host's own choices & actions]

'What the hell? This changes a lot of things. With these rewards, I can actually solve a lot of my problems. But the trouble is that I can get only one of them, either the spell code or the pantheon creation card since I can either kill Sinister or recruit him.' Rudeus thought as he pondered his choices.

He would never consider the third choice since the third one was always a bad one as a joke of the system of some sort but the first two choices were too good to reject one of them. He could have fooled the system by killing Sinister and then bringing him back to life again but sadly it was mentioned in the first task that even his soul should be destroyed, so cheating was impossible.

He couldn't decide if he wanted to choose the spell code or the perk card since both were equally useful to him. One sounded like it would allow him to tap into the magic system of the Witcher world and the other seemed like it would allow him to establish his own pantheon by allowing him to turn others into gods.

So Rudeus couldn't decide between the two choices and thus selected both of them. Since this was allowed as there was no note against it, he could just choose what to do at the last moment according to the situation and would get the reward based on the condition he fulfilled without any penalties at all.

"They have all gathered in the mission room" Jean informed Rudeus, breaking him from his reverie after some time.

"Let's go then. It's time to fight in the Clone Wars." He mumbled the last part to himself while smirking at his own joke.

"Master, I have managed to repair your damaged celestial armor with some of the adamantium that we recovered from the Weapon Plus black sites as well as the anti-metal that Morgana and Selene managed to get some samples of from Savage Island. I also improved its technology as well. Although it's not perfect, it should be a lot better than the last version." Zoya said as suddenly a boom tube opened and a glass box materialized out of it.

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