Chapter 11: A New god's Soulmate ?

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Travelling to Cairo, the capital of Egypt was really comfortable for Rudeus especially since he went there in a luxury jet accompanied by two beautiful women.

There they were received by the men working in the Egyptian branch of their company.

Yeah, Meta had already gone international. Wealth was not much of a problem anymore for the company due to Rudeus' golden rule perk. The money just kept on flowing.

They booked quite a luxurious hotel to stay at as well. All they had to do now was figure out where Apocalypse currently was.

While they were travelling Apocalypse had already used Charles' omega level telepathy to temporarily boost his psychic powers to a huge level & control the major world powers to launch all their nuclear missiles to the space while declaring mutants in everyone's minds as the superior race and him as their emperor.

In short, he had disregarded all human privacy, littered space with armed nuclear missiles & given a really bad pr to the mutants which Rudeus would have to handle later.

'This is really annoying. The stupid idiot just made my plans a lot harder.' Rudeus thought to himself. It wasn't a wonder that Apocalypse could never rule the planet or maintain his empire for a long time despite having so much power. He was an idiot after all.

"Can you sense him?" Rudeus asked Selene. He knew that his low cosmic senses were neither powerful nor precise enough for him to know Nur's location. He had to somehow train it more.

"Well I can sense his presence in the country but I can't pinpoint it unless he allows me to" Selene explained to him in a sad voice. She was sad because she could not be of more help to him.

"Its okay. We'll just have to do it the old fashioned way. Tell our men to start searching the city for any clues about Apocalypse. Vanessa, try to gather intel from the locals if they know anything. I'll try to fly over the city & the surrounding desert to see if I can find anything" Rudeus decided.

Both girls agreed to the plan. It was not their place to question their god anyway. They quickly left to do their duties so that they can please him.

He also didn't waste his time & began flying over the city to see if he could find something out of place.

'Although I like their loyalty & dedication to be of use to me, its getting a little boring lately. I need to train them to be more open to voice their own thoughts infront of me as well. After all, the best plans always have second & third opinions in them and I am not a god of strategy or wisdom to make all those plans myself without making a single mistake.'

Rudeus kept thinking while flying about how to make his followers more open to him. They had been training together recently & all three of them had significantly improved in their combat abilities.

He was sure that both Selene & Vanessa could take care of themselves should something unexpected occur.

Selene even knew magic for... 'his' sake. Rudeus remembered that Selene was well versed in magic, enough to compete for the position of Sorcerer Supreme in the comics.

The only reason Apocalypse was more powerful than her in the comics was the celestial armor & technology he had gotten along with the buff from the High Evolutionary as well as the techno organic viruses.

'Although fighting him would probably be very taxing for me especially since I don't even have a divine weapon like Thor right now' He sadly thought to himself.

Oh, how much he wanted a cool iconic weapon for himself.

While he was having all these thoughts while flying around, he suddenly felt something. He felt a weird feeling in his chest. It was actually more like it was coming from his soul.

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