Chapter 41: New god visits Genosha

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Rudeus soon stopped thinking about stupid stuff like that. There are so many villains and bad guys in Marvel, he couldn't possibly guess if there is someone behind this or not. There was no need for him to waste his time playing the guessing game.

He would probably get his answers soon anyways.

He and all the X-men had already agreed to travel to Genosha and save it from the sentinel army.

A team was formed consisting of Hank, Piotr, Logan, Jean, Ororo, Scott, Bobby, and of course Rudeus himself.

Other students were not selected because they were either too young or not powerful enough to go against sentinels. Plus the school also needed to be protected. That was also the reason Professor Xavier didn't go with them.

Rudeus told the professor to watch over the quintuplets as well since they were quite young. But in truth he just wanted them to learn from him about telepathic powers and how to use the Cerebro most efficiently.

"To the jet then," Hank announced once everyone was ready.

"Why use a jet when I have my own little personal teleporter at my beck and call," Rudeus said.

"Okay, that's a little rude." Kurt pouted as he felt insulted by Rudeus' words.

"I don't mean you, I meant my personal assistant, Zoya. She could teleport as well by forming portals called Boom tubes." Rudeus explained with a smile.

As he ordered Zoya to form a boom tube for Genosha, a red portal appeared with a booming sound in front of everyone.

Rudeus confidently walked through it confidently in front of the surprised eyes of everyone else.

As Rudeus crossed over to Genosha, he finally realized the situation. This was not just a battle, it was a war. A war whose end result was most probably the massacre of most of the mutants of the country.

He needed to stop this, otherwise, he would lose his biggest supporters and his future potential army.

He looked at all the normal sentinels. Except for a few of them, most of them were easily overpowering the majority of the mutants. Only a handful of them were winning against the sentinels.

"Zoya, can you check if these sentinels are made out of metal or not?" Rudeus asked his assistant.

"They are mostly made out of space polymers, sir. However, there are slight traces of carbonadium metal coating on their sensitive circuits and sensors." Zoya informed him.

'Interesting. So Magneto shouldn't be able to control these sentinels as the metal portion in their bodies is extremely small. That old man must be crying in his room right now due to the unfairness of the world.' Rudeus thought.

However, the presence of carbonadium also meant that the Russians were somehow involved in the sentinel project since carbonadium metal was their invention and is supposed to be their answer to its American counterpart, adamantium.

'The rabbit hole is getting deeper and deeper with time' He thought.

"This is a nightmare," Ororo said as she watched the scene of the ongoing war. This got Rudeus out of his thoughts.

All the other X-men who were selected to come with him to fight had followed him through the boom tube and had already arrived as well.

"Can you control these and make them sentinels stop?" Bobby asked Rudeus with hope.

"No, not right now. I will need a little time to get access to all of them. I need to get close to them and get in a central position on the island." Rudeus replied to the ice guy.

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