Chapter 114: The Aftermath and a Sacrophagus

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"Don't beg for things. Do it yourself, or else you won't get anything."



'I think I should start teaching Wanda some more complicated magic or assign her a private magic teacher for her. Maybe Selene would be a good choice. I need to focus on increasing both the quality and quantity of my followers for now before the big-scale battle starts in the MCU.' Rudeus thought as he entered the mirror dimension back in his mansion.

"But first let's count my gains," Rudeus said as he willed his system to show the new notifications.

[1st Quest completed]

[2nd Quest completed]

[Rewards are being distributed]

['Nirvana Flame' perk card deposited in the inventory]

['Divine psionic' perk card deposited in the inventory]

[Showing details about selected cards]

[Nirvana Flame: Users can create, shape, and manipulate blue supernatural flames, which are hotter and stronger than ordinary orange flames. The color is due to the exceedingly high temperatures and the result of complete combustion, burning at least 1,525°C (2,777°F). It can not only burn away physical materials but even affect supernatural creatures or entities like gods and spirits. It can also burn impurities.]

[Divine psionics: The user is a divine being that possesses divine powers which grant them immense amounts of psychic power, tapping into absolute, divine psionic might, achieving an unimaginable power, capabilities, and precision beyond mundane by an outstanding margin namely Astral Projection, Alpha level Telekinesis, Alpha level Telepathy, and Prayer Tracking]

"AT LONG LAST, I FINALLY GAINED IT." Rudeus couldn't help but yell aloud happily after seeing the last new skill he had gotten. He always wanted the op power of telepathy and telekinesis and he had finally done it now. Even though those abilities were alpha level and not omega level, it still didn't matter because even alpha level abilities could be OP if you can train them well.

'But I still have that, so I can just cheat my way to level up.' He laughed sneakily as he took out a pear from his inventory.

'Now, let's see how a gay child taste... god, that was a bad joke.' He sighed to himself glad that nobody else heard him say that and took a bite of the fruit.

At first, nothing happened, so he just finished the whole fruit until nothing was left. But just after a few seconds, he began to feel something in his stomach. It was warm energy trying to circulate throughout his entire body.

He could feel it slowly flowing through his blood affecting his organs and even affecting his divinity and soul.

[Unidentified foreign energy and bio code detected in host body!]

[Energy and bio code analyzed and concluded as not harmful to host]

[Permission to assimilate energy and bio code permanently to host's existence?]

[Accept / Reject]

Rudeus accepted without thinking too much and braced himself for the massive change to come into his body.

He would be lying if he said that he wasn't expecting an unimaginable pain to accompany this change which would make him yell like a retarded masochist like in those wuxia cultivation novels but unfortunately or maybe fortunately, no such thing happened.

He kept standing there in silence awkwardly until a notification broke the silence.

[New abilities gained through received energy and bio code]

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