Chapter 120: Exploring a sentient island (2)

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"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."

— Winnie the Pooh, (The Complete Tales of Winnie-the-Pooh)


"What happened to Selene by the way? I didn't see her today." Ororo curiously asked as she went near Rudeus.

"Selene and Morgana decided to hunt some evil sorcerers or something. They said that most evil sorcerers are rich and always have very good magic relics in their collections, so they decided to take them off their hands. They found the existence of one such sorcerer hiding on an island in Antarctica, so they went to rob him." Rudeus shamelessly revealed.

"Oh." Ororo didn't know how to reply to that. Should she support this since they were indirectly helping the world by taking care of evil dark sorcerers or should she be worried about her friends stealing from strangers? She couldn't decide what to do, so she just wisely chose to ignore the issue.

"Anyways, I think you should go to your group. They look like they want to start exploring. The other groups are already packed and loaded, so unless you intend to lose to Emma, Vanessa, Logan, or Elizabeth's groups, you should start as well." He said with a smile knowing what was coming.

"If you think that I will let them win against me and my team then you have got another thing coming. There is no way I am going to lose against them." Ororo said with a confident smile and went to her group after giving Rudeus a small kiss.

Of course, Jean who was nearby saw this. She too sneakily came and kissed Rudeus on the cheek as well before going away to join Vanessa's group. She wasn't an adult yet and still didn't have the position of absolute trust in the hearts of the students, so she couldn't be a group leader herself for this exploration.

"Now, since everyone is ready, let the exploration BEGIN." Rudeus used the asura path of his Rinnegan to convert one of his hands into a mechanical cannon and fired into the sky with a booming sound as all four groups began to quickly move deeper into the forest.

Rudeus had designed the adventure to be fun for both adults and kids as he had made sure to place a lot of challenges and puzzles in their paths. He had designed the entire thing in such a way that different mutants needed to use their respective sets of powers, and physical and mental abilities as a team to effectively complete the exploration while having a chance to win the thing before anyone else.

He had even made a lot of rules to make this as fair as possible like not permitting anyone to fly higher than ten meters above ground, banning the usage of electronics, in-fighting of groups among each other, and stuff like that.

Now all he needed to do was just keep an eye on the groups to make sure that everyone was following the rules and everything was alright.

<(Vanessa Carlysle, aka, Copycat pov)>

"Miss Vanessa, can't we go a little slower?" A weak-looking kid complained to me as he panted with sweat all over his body.

"We can but then you will need to treat me to the one week of free premium gourmet food that we are going to miss. You have enough money for that right?" I threatened the kid.

There was no way I was going to let a weak-ass kid come in between me and my week-long free gourmet food. Normally I get to eat dishes made by Gordon every day but I knew for a fact that Rudeus would cancel Gordon for a week if I lost, telling me that he sent him to cook for the winners for one week or something. And I am not gonna let that happen.

I'll be the one winning this and maybe I could even demand something else from Rudeus as a prize. A sushi platter on his naked muscular chiseled body seems like a very tasty and legendary dish. Well, he probably will just say no the moment I request him for that but a girl can dream, right?

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