Chapter 31: The Cuckoos

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As Rudeus stared at the five newly awakened girls, he wondered what he should do with them.

There was a small voice in his head telling him to kill them and be done once and for all with this clone bullshit but he could not bring himself to actually do it. He still had some vestiges of his past human morality remaining in him.

While he was wondering to himself what he should do with the quintessential quintuplets of Marvel, one of the girls opened her eyes and looked at him. "Are you here to save us?" The girl asked.

"Do you need me to save you?" Rudeus didn't give a definite answer and asked the girl a question instead.

All the girls had awakened by this time and were looking at each other while sometimes looking at Rudeus as well. They were mentally trying to gauge their situation and most probably discussing their condition with each other as well.

"We wish you to save us from this place." The previous girl who had spoken earlier was the one who answered.

'It seems that they somewhat knew what was happening to them and that they need to be rescued by someone from here' Rudeus was impressed with them.

They truly had the potential to be powerful. Although individually they were slightly weaker than Emma Frost but together in a collective joined mind, they could be one of the strongest telepathic forces in the world.

"Fine. I'll help you, girls. I'll rescue you all from here and bring you with me to my home. Would you like that?" He finally made his decision and offered the quintuplets.

The five girls again looked at each other having a mental discussion about the choice presented to them and finally nodded to Rudeus after making a decision.

'This is going to be easier than I thought. They are still 'newborns', so they can be easily molded into responsible and loyal members of my familia. All he had to do is just make them believe that he is their true savior which he in one way actually was.

'They would be useful during the Phoenix event if it happens in this universe.' He began to make plans in his mind on how to make the best use of them.

'Plus I did always like the Quintessential Quintuplets anime back in my own world' He smiled to himself as he remembered the slice-of-life, romcom anime he used to watch regularly.

Finally, he stopped wasting more time in his thoughts and quickly opened another boom tube to his mansion. It had become his personal impromptu base for now.

Rudeus and all the five clone girls entered the living room of his mansion through the portal. Zoya followed them as well.

"Have you finished copying all the machines there, Zoya?" He asked the floating cube.

"Yes master, I have scanned and stored all the machine designs in my archive," Zoya replied.

Rudeus then took out all the other research materials, data, and computers he had collected from the entire base as well as from his inventory.

"Copy and store these as well. We will see if we get something useful from these" He ordered his trusty AI.

The girls were also looking at Zoya amusedly. They had never seen this type of magic box in any scientist's memory or even in the dreams they had sometimes.

Rudeus however didn't try to please or satisfy their curiosity them. Instead he quickly mentally called Selene to where he was.

They did not have to wait long as within just a few minutes Selene arrived at their location through another portal. Zoya made portals for all the important people of the society. They could all connect to Zoya using specially redesigned pagers and could ask her anytime to open portals to the main base.

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