Chapter 117: Updates and Next Steps

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Mistakes are not shackles that halt one from stepping forward. Rather, they are that which sustain and grow one's heart.



"Zoya, are the Frost sisters doing well after their recent integration with the Phoenix Force?" Rudeus asked the mother box in his headquarters.

He had left Jean at the mansion tired after an entire night full of passion. He wanted to spend the day like that too but he had a lot of things to do that needed to be done.

"They have adjusted a lot. They are right now perfecting the method of sealing the phoenix shards inside their hearts after turning their hearts into diamonds. The process as you advised is quite useful for negating the negative influence of the Phoenix Force and guarantees that they will never go dark like Miss Jean." Zoya said as she displayed images of the sisters practicing turning different parts of their bodies into diamond form.

"Good, I guess that would be a successful endeavor. Now where have you reached in cracking the coordinates to Asgard and the other realms?" Rudeus asked as he looked at Zoya.

"I have gotten the coordinates to Nornheim, Jotunheim, and Muspelheim from Morgana but she didn't know the coordinates of the other dimensions. However, we can easily learn about them once we raid one of these dimensions. I recommend raiding Nornheim first since according to intel from Morgana, the kingdom is currently not allied with any other realm." Zoya advised.

"I see. You are right. Invading Nornheim is most beneficial to us. It not only has one of the biggest treasure trove of magical knowledge in it but also a very very powerful and knowledgeable goddess of magic that can help us in furthering our knowledge of magic and achieving what we need to make our own magical system." Rudeus said as he viewed the information on Nornheim and Karnilla that Zoya was displaying on a hologram.

Rudeus wanted to construct his own runic/magical system that he could use to make his own spells without infringing on anyone else's magic system or energy. He was going to construct a unique system that would work with his divinity as a power source but could also be later upgraded to replace his divine energy with some other supernatural energy source like his own dimensional energy or the like.

He knew that Nornheim was the only part of the nine realms that was not under Odin's protection which meant he could theoretically get away with invading and conquering the kingdom if he played his cards right. But that was for later. Right now, he had to concentrate on building his forces before he started conquering others.

"What about the sentinels? Are they ready?" Rudeus asked.

"Three thousand ordinary grade sentinels are ready for deployment at a moment's notice while three hundred highly weaponized war-type sentinels resembling Master Mold have also been prepared. However, due to the absence of molecule-altering nanotechnology, they cannot produce more sentinels on their own.

 However, due to the absence of molecule-altering nanotechnology, they cannot produce more sentinels on their own

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