Chapter 72: Consequences of the Demise of a Phoenix (1)

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"What do you mean she is dead? She is supposed to be one of the most powerful omega-level mutants out there. She can't be dead... How did- What happened?" Rudeus forcefully calmed himself down as he stabilized his emotions.

He really liked maybe even somewhat loved the redhead, although he wasn't an expert on love and didn't even know what it truly meant. But she was the only girl who he had actually ever taken on a proper date. Of course, the others went to 'dates' with him too but they either always ended midway with rough sex or involved killing and torturing metahuman haters.

"Well Storm didn't tell me much, just said that she died while saving them and she was a hero. Ororo was breaking into tears whenever she tried to say anything. She was so ashamed of Jean's death that she didn't even want to see you. I knew that the Jean girl was important to you and your plans, so I decided to come to inform you immediately." Selene said in a neutral voice.

"I see. Thank you, Selene. I should go see the X-men and find out what exactly happened. I think they need to answer a few questions of mine." Rudeus said coldly.

He opened a boom tube using Zoya and directly went into the Academy. He was not really that sad because he had a rough idea of what had happened to Jean. This was probably her Dark Phoenix storyline where she would be declared dead for some time and then she would emerge as the 'evil' Dark Phoenix.

But what he didn't know was if this was the Dark Phoenix storyline of the old X-men movie timeline, the new X-men Dark Phoenix movie storyline, the comics storyline, a combination of all of them, or a completely new version.

Also, he couldn't just let this be. What if he had changed the world so much that the plot no longer mattered? What if Jean wouldn't be able to completely unlock and awaken her phoenix side and needed his help? What if she really was dead and needed him to bring her back to life?

That was one of the main reasons why he was even going to the mansion. He needed info before doing anything. he needed to know what happened. He didn't want to be one of the characters who did something they would regret later just because he was angry and didn't listen to the entire story. There were too many storylines that happened only because of misunderstandings in the comics. He didn't want to add another one in there.

As he came out of the boom tube in front of the Academy gates, he entered the school grounds without waiting. He didn't portal inside directly because he didn't want the X-men to attack him mistaking him as an enemy. Because if that happened, Rudeus might not be able to control his emotions right now and might seriously injure some of them or even kill them.

Although even in that case he would still probably be able to resurrect most of them. Maybe only a few with supernatural backgrounds or bloodlines like Nightcrawler would be hard to bring back since souls of supernatural creatures are more 'protected' by underworld entities and their respective afterlives.

"Rudeus, you are here." Colossus was the first one to see and recognize him as he was standing outside the main building, staring at the sun with sad puppy dog eyes and lamenting at the loss of one of his friends and comrade. "I am sorry that..."

"It's okay, big guy. It probably wasn't even your fault if I were to guess. Just tell me where is the professor and the others. I need to know what happened. I need some closure right now." Rudeus said. He truly didn't blame Piotr. From what he knew of him, he was the Captain America type, the guy who would sacrifice himself to save someone else. That was one of the reasons everyone loved him. Hell even Rudeus himself respected him.

"The principal's room. They are mourning right now." Piotr said in a low voice with a heavy Russian accent as tears again came to his eyes. He couldn't even speak clearly due to the massive grief and guilt building inside him. This was the first time one of their teammates had died after all.

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