Chapter 96: A Reward and a Date

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"You counter despair with hope. You strive forever for the best you are capable to be! Therein lies the victory!"

— Ororo Munroe (Storm), [Heroes for Hope]


Rudeus opened his system inventory and selected the perfected 'Rinnegan' perk card to display more information about it.

[Displaying information about selected card]

[Perfected Rinnegan:

1) Optical Abilities- Your vision processes the entire electromagnetic spectrum as well as allows vast control over selective perception and focus as well as microscopic and telescopic vision. Can see different types of energy and their flow. Can predict, mimic, and copy any technique of the opponent through observation. Can take partial or complete control of the target's body and mind temporarily through eye contact, control duration depends on the user's energy and mental power and the target's mental strength. Can also recognize patterns as well as analyze and decipher codes.

2) Deva Path- Controlling attractive and repulsive forces using the user's energy.

3) Asura Path- Mechanically altering one's body while keeping unique abilities of the body intact. Users can control them like puppets or take over them directly.

4) Human Path- Extracting souls from living beings. The probability of the extraction being possible depends on the user's power level and energy.

5) Animal Path- Summoning various monstrous creatures. All summoned creatures would only be loyal to the user. They are semi-sentient and only act according to their beastly instincts and users' commands. User can also take over their minds directly.

6) Preta Path- Absorbing life force from targets to heal yourself or increase your own divine energies temporarily.

7) Naraka Path- Summoning a large demonic statue-like puppet called King of Hell with enormous physical strength and durability that can seal spectral or energy-type beings in itself and increase its own power. It emanates a tremendous life force, launches bolts of energy, and can emit phantom dragons and chains to absorb the life force and energy of other creatures.

A smaller version can also be summoned which can pass judgment on target by either letting them live or devouring their souls according to if they are lying or speaking the truth to a particular question. It can also repair the mechanical bodies of the asura path as well as store the bodies and souls of people to transport them and revive them at a later time.

8) Outer Path- Allows the user to preside over life and death, granting them the ability to revive the dead. The Outer Path also allows the user to transmit their energy into black receivers, manifest energy chains to bind targets, and create the Six Paths of Pain: six bodies controlled through the use of black receivers/rods, which can each utilize one aspect of the Six Paths Technique. The black rods can be shaped into more elaborate forms and can prevent regeneration of the target as well as transmit the target's life force to the user and vice versa.

9) Unique Abilities- Able to absorb any energy attack and subsequently release it in an amplified form, as well as transform life force, and living individuals into edible fruits that can give the user the powers and vitality of the target who was converted into the fruit.

10) Susanoo- Able to construct a gigantic, humanoid avatar made of the user's divine energy which surrounds and protects them as well as fights on their behalf. It can also manifest armor and weapons with enough training. Combining other different techniques and skills with it is also possible.]

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