Still breathing

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I knew this must have looked insane. My whole body aflame while I charged towards the black being, but before I could stop myself, it was too late. The creature let out a loud sound that might have been a laugh as it stretched out to reveal an emptiness seemingly inside its body. And I flew right into it.


I heard someone yell. Was it Wanda? Pietro? It sounded like all my soulmates at once. I tried to find solid ground but there was nothing. All I managed to do was turn slightly so I could see the world behind me disappear. Everything turned dark. My body was still burning, but that was all I could see. The rest was darkness. I couldn't panic. Even if I wanted to, I was better than this. Or was I? I leaped into this mess by blind rage. I acted on impulse. Maybe I'm stronger physically and magic, but my mind was still weak when it came to emotional things like this. I should have stayed calm. Stayed where I was. Know what to say beforehand. In hindsight I am so god damn stupid. I am no better than when I started. But I couldn't just float around here and feel bad for myself. I couldn't just wait until the creature let me out, if it would ever do that. My will is still strong, and I have a will to get the hell out of here. I felt around with my abilities. I shot fire around, tried to raise earth or water. Tried to create winds. I couldn't feel anything. The fire flew a few metres before disappearing. I couldn't tell if they burned out or disappeared. Then I tried lightning. I focused my emotions on creating powerful lightning around me to shoot in every direction. It lit up and I could feel the electricity through my muscles. I felt a little drained but I was still determined.

It's no use

A voice echoed through the darkness. This was not my own self doubt. I refused.
I did it again. This time I sent fire and electricity everywhere.

You can't break free. You will never get out. Never see your parents again

A bunch of nonsense that's what it was!
I kept going. Kept sending energy and fire in every direction.
My powers searched for something to grip onto. Anything to hit.


The voice was louder. More convincing, but I knew this meant that I was making progress. Whatever was shouting at me, was trying to get me to quit. Then I felt it. With telekinesis I managed to grab something. I could feel that I was pulling something. I let my powers search and tear. I was ripping something apart. Small streaks of light made their way in as I managed to make the holes bigger and bigger. And then the darkness evaporated. Like dark mist it slowly faded away. Had I killed it? As the mist disappeared I could see that I was floating in the air. I was hovering over a forest. It looked big and lush. The smoke fully disappeared and I fell. I guess I was held afloat by the dark space, but I was too exhausted to keep myself floating. With wind I tried to push myself against the fall. If I was lucky I could at least soften my fall. But my powers were drained. The last metres I just fell. I felt the metallic device in my pocket, but my hand was too tired to reach it. I just felt power pulsate through it and into my body.

With the new spark of power I reached out. For what? I'm not sure.


Merry Christmas everyone!  🎄🎄🎄❤️
I love all of you! Hope you get something good 😌

Also, I'm knees deep into the Eurovision hole now and can I just say that Albania's represent-song for ESC 2021 is a banger, but there were also a lot of other good songs in FiK, who I would have loved to see represent Albania.

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