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Nick Fury seemed thrilled that I wanted to join. He kept on the mask, but I saw the glimpse of satisfaction in his eyes, when I officially joined. My soulmates kept trying to talk me out of it. Even after I joined. Vision hadn't really bothered me since. He knew that I'm hiding something, and I would tell him, if I was 100% sure he wouldn't tell the other.

My training started Monday 17. September. I showed up and was taken to what appeared to be a fitness room. Fury told me that my training would be broken down into two sessions for every work day. Because I had started so early after being so weak, I only had to come and train every third day the first month or so. The first session of my training days would be my physical training, either workout or combat. Fury said something about "a weak body can't contain great powers". The second session would be my ability and mental training.

As said, I had to train my physical limits the first part of the day. I had gotten a trainer who was really harsh. He told me that everything had consequences, and if I failed to do the training, he'd make me do it again. I think he started off a little easy since I was a little weaker. He wouldn't have to worry about me not being strong enough though. Even if I've been weak these past two weeks, my stamina and strength doesn't go totally down the drain. I was very fit before. When the physical training was done, I got an hour break, where Nat and Clint came to visit me. They seemed cheery and tried to cheer me up. I wish I could find it in myself to feel their happiness. Or at least the happiness of them trying to cheer me up. But I didn't really feel anything. Nothing but determination and a deep seeded anger for vengeance.

When it came to my magical training, I was escorted to a big and sealed room with a giant glass window on one of the walls. A classic test room from every fiction story ever. Bruce and Tony did prepare me for something like this. They had more or less accepted, or at least tried to, that this was my choice.
"Don't get scared if they shove you into a giant white room".

Never lose focus, always stay on your feet, surprise them, give them everything you have. Tomorrow my body might hurt like I've been run over by a bulldozer, but the pain was a part of the strength. Banner had reluctantly given Fury the information he had on my abilities, so I could be trained within the right areas.
"Hello Flora"
A voice suddenly spoke. It wasn't Fury, or anyone I recognised.
"I am Doctor Wilhelm, and I will be testing your magical abilities. Strength, weakness, limits. All that. Are we ready?"
I looked at the glass without saying a word. Just waiting for the first session to begin.
"I take that as a yes. We will start with water today"
Some tiles on the floor moved away and different containers of water rose from underground. Wilhelm wanted me to do various things, which I had also trained with Banner. Lift the water, move it around, split it into smaller bodies. It all went as last. Then he turned it up a level. The floor suddenly sunk in the middle of the room to create a pool. Water started to fill it and I was told to push the water to one side of the pool as it slowly filled up. Here it began to push my limits, as I had to hold back more and more water in the left side of the pool. When the water started to flow over, I was told to keep going, and push it in place, so it wouldn't go over the line, but it could go higher up. I kept going. Even as it started to hurt in my body and soul, even when my vision became blurry. The water began to spill, and my hands were shaking. Eventually I broke. All the energy left my body and I passed out. The first thing I saw was the white ceiling, then the blond figure standing over me. That must be Dr. Wilhelm judging by the lab coat and the note block in his left hand.
"10,6 gallons (40 l) in 30 minutes. Impressive. I've never seen something like this before! You did also pass out for 2 minutes, and your body has been under a lot of pressure. Next time, stop before you pass out. That is only needed on the actual battle field"
I closed my eyes and breathed. I wanted to say that I wouldn't feel satisfied if I didn't push myself to my absolute limit, but I was too weak to do anything else but breathe. Besides, Wilhelm was right. I should take it easy.

I heard someone yell. Steve.

I forgot. In some cases a soulmate of a multi-marked can feel it when their soulmate is under great pressure, after they've met.

I'm sorry Steve.


How are we all doing in these corona times? I hope you stay safe and remember to wash your hands! :D

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