Nothing to say

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A quinjet landed on the cornfield next to the broken house. It was Tony who had summoned it, and now the rest of the Avengers rushed out to take a look at the situation. Thor and Vision were silent, as they landed on the ground.
Flora was in the middle of the ruins. She didn't say anything, nor did she even seem to notice her soulmates around her. Clint and Natasha helped her inside the jet and wrapped a blanket around her. They both sat next to her, as Steve tried to make contact back to SHIELD. Tony and Vision walked through the ruins and scanned for clues, but it all seemed hopeless. There was no sign of this being nothing more but a house fire. No traces of magic on the burnt surfaces, no signs of bodies. Nothing. They all knew it couldn't have been a fire. They had all seen the shadowy creatures lurking, before they were teleported an hour into the future. Bruce felt strange with this whole situation. He felt upset. The Hulk felt upset. It gave him  this somber feeling, looking at his soulmate. He wanted to do more for her. But he couldn't. None of them could.

After an hour of searching the area, everyone got inside of the jet. They had to go back to America now, or else this would turn out much worse than it already was. Flora was laying down with her back turned against everyone. No one said a word. Not to her or to each other.

They made a room ready for her in the tower, when they came back. She stayed in there for days. Only moving to use the bathroom, and when one of them came with food for her. The Avengers didn't tell Fury about Flora and her arrival at the Tower, but instead tried to just go back to normal. They didn't even inform the twins about what had happened. Their soulmate needed time. They understood that, but everyone's mood was affected by it, and Fury quickly caught up. Very quickly.

He called them to a meeting, and it escalated just as quickly as you'd think;

"What is it? I hope it's quick because I have something important"
Tony said, annoyed and not trying to hide it.
"You know why I called you, Stark. All of you"
Fury looked at each of them with his eye.
"What am I suppose to do with you, when you're like this? You look sad, pathetic. What has happened that has made the earth's mightiest heroes, all of them, this sad?"
"Listen Fury, this doesn't really involve you, so I don't think we have to tell y-"
"Yes it does, Tony! I am responsible for that the Avengers are ready at all times, but look at you"
No one said a word. They just looked away. Clint and Natasha glanced at each other before looking down too.

"Is it that soulmate of yours?"

"And what if it is?!"

It took everyone to calm him enough down, so that he at least could leave the room. Vision followed to make sure, he didn't suddenly have an outburst. The others slowly explained what had happened.


"I.. I don't want her to be pressured into the hero world, if she doesn't wish to. Especially not when she's this vulnerable"
I heard Banner say as he walked by my door. It's been a long time. I think. I don't know. When I try to think back, I only remember either daylight or nightlight. My soulmates visit me regularly. I know that.  What was it Bruce just said? Something about the hero world. We talked about it when I trained. With my extraordinary abilities, I could do many great things. But he warned me. They all did.

"SHIELD is harsh. Nick Fury is harsh. He won't see lightly on you. If anything, he might just be even harsher because of all your soulmarks"

Heh,, what wouldn't this Fury-guy say when he saw the rest of my marks? Wanda said that people like her and her brother would be used by anyone that saw their abilities useful. They were like walking weapons. Would I become a weapon too if I joined?

I thought.

Even if it would turn me into a "weapon", wouldn't training my abilities be for the better? I could learn to use them properly, and I could maybe, some day, save people. Revenge was never my thing, but I felt such a strong urge to train, so I could one day eliminate whatever took my parents. I wanted to face it one day, and I wanted to annihilate it.


Friday update!
I had a free day, so I got to write some chapters ÛwÛ

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