Heroes in town

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My phone broke my oh so sweet sleep, because I forgot to turn airplane mode on, and now I was getting a hundred notifications. I made a loud annoyed sound, as I turned around and grabbed my phone.
7:30 am. Too early! It's the weekend! It was one of my best friends, Nitri. She was writing in all caps, that The Avengers were here, and that she saw them enter the park. Lena had responded, and the notifications that woke me up, was them fangirling. Before I was mad that they woke me up, but I can understand. I mean, who wouldn't want to meet the world's greatest heroes? I for sure would love to, but I don't want to disturb them, when they're on vacation or what they're here for. If it's unannounced, and not a confrontation, I'll feel better just letting them be. They probably have hundreds of people following them right now. Two of them are constantly updating me on the situation.

Nitri: FLORA! I know you don't like it, when it's not a planned meeting
Nitri: but at least COME! Meet us in 10 min and we can go cafè-ing

Lena: yeah, no shame in just looking at them y'know

I sighed at my two best friends. They wouldn't stop bothering me if I don't go. But I also have work, aka my website. I promised two of the other admins that I'd call them as soon as I woke up, because we're planning something special for the website. And we'd probably be talking until afternoon.

Flora: Sorry guys.. I know it's stupid of me, but I really need to work. Just do what you do best, and send me some pictures ^_^

Lena: cool fam

Nitri: hOW CAN YOU EVEN SAY THATT? You'd rather work?

Flora: Calm down XD
Flora: I'm not that big of a fan
Flora: You know. I'll bake you your favourite cake, if you can get close enough to take pictures of their soulmark

Nitri: DEAL

Lena: I went to the bathroom for two minutes
Lena: there's hundreds of people

I knew they'd make it out alive, and I also knew I'd keep them distracted for a while. At least Nitri, and when Nitri is distracted, Lena has to make sure she doesn't get into trouble or die. As the water was boiling, I began to check my stock of ingredients. Nitri's favourite cake needed quite a number of ingredients, since it was filled with tastes and textures. It was inspired by one of my mom's old recipes. She owns a small restaurant in my hometown. My mother is also multi-marked, just only with three. One of them is my father. Her mark abilities are levitation (of small household items), empathy and plant growth. She had all her abilities when I was born, and her two other soulmates became my favourite aunt and uncle. It's been a while since I've talked to my parents. I should give them a call later.

I sat down at my computer and started the call. Alex, a second in command admin, joined in. Alex was one of my first internet friends. He helped me not get into stupid arguments on social media, and he also helped me code this website to the magnificent forum it is today. He's a programmer and looks out for bugs in the system. And he's the main person you contact, if you have problems with logging in.
"Yo that's early"
He comments. Yeah I know. But we can't all be night owls, Alex!
"Yeah. Forgot to turn off my notifications, so my friends woke me up. Where's Aya?"
"She didn't tell you? She found her second soulmate! It was Carmen!"
"I knew it! You know what her ability is?"
Aya has been an early member of YSMM, and was very kind to other members. She would always be online regularly and help other people. Now she's an admin and you can ask her for guidance. She's in control of a help chat, where people, who may not know what to do or say to their soulmate, can get help.
"I think it's fire. As in make small flames. Kinda funny that her first ability is freezing things. Well, shall we get on with the app? It's almost done!"

We're making an app for YSMM's 5th birthday. It's a surprise, so only the admins and a few high status mods know about it. I'm super excited! There's only a month left, but we're almost done. We just need Aya to test it, and judge the colour scheme and such.

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