The first bonds

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Steve sighed as he looked at Tony's message. SHIELD wanted them back by Monday, so they could be ready for anything. Fury was a little annoyed that they took off all of a sudden. He only knew that they were looking for their soulmate, not that their soulmate was the same person, so his reaction was understandable. But he'd surely understand, if he knew the truth. A person like such would be very special, and have many different abilities. Sometimes Steve wondered what his second ability would be. His first one was overpowered by the super soldier serum. He wasn't even sure what it was. Bucky always said it had made him more resistant, a way to weigh out his recklessness. Speaking of Bucky, he wondered what him and Sam had been up to the past few months. They had been sent to the west side of America, to keep control over a supervillain situation. Every time a minion was caught, they disappeared. Like smoke. No one can figure out where they come from. SHIELD is positive that someone is in control of this. Another organisation, possibly from space. Pietro and Wanda were supposed to go there too, until they found out that they had the same soulmate.
"Should we go to the opposite side, and risk fans?"
Clint asked.
It took Steve a moment, as he went back to the present time. He looked around. There were couples walking around here and there. It was quiet here, but they couldn't walk around this part forever.
"10 more minutes.. I,, I need to think something through in peace"
"Ok, lets go this way"


Today I was alone in my apartment. Lena and Nitri were going to Lena's parents this weekend, and my admins, Alex and Aya, were celebrating that Aya found her second soulmate. I decided to find out if my theory was true. If Captain America was really my soulmate. He must also think about me right? We would make history for centuries, if people knew. I alone could make history for eons. I went onto social media to track down his location. I already felt like a stalker, but calmed myself down by saying that it was harmless. No one knew about it, and there was nothing to be ashamed about. I found a picture of someone posting a selfie of themselves in Central Frederiksberg, with the caption saying that they just saw Captain America. If you looked closely you could also see Cap in the background. There was no mistake in shoulders that wide. The picture was posted 2 minutes ago. I should take the metro and try to see if I could catch them... My thoughts were immediately destroyed by another picture. It was from Evelyn. She was posing with a small poster, which was signed by the Avengers. She had been posting and talking nonstop about how she managed to get it, and how impressed they were by her three marks, and one ability. I've already heard enough in class, she doesn't have to be on my social media feed. I sighed deeply, turned off my computer, took my shoulder bag and walked outside. Outside was a nice sunny morning. The sun was nice and warm, but despite the good weather, I decided to go underground and take the metro.

Whenever I could, I updated my social media to find out where Cap was. I was getting a little used to the feeling now, but I still clicked off whenever a person passed by. Even if they didn't care, or it just made me look more suspicious.

I went off at Frederiksberg, and jogged/speed walked towards the park. From what I could get, they were still walking around in the area. They had moved closer to the castle, which meant that they were further away from me.
Come on Flora! You can make it! I started to run, and I even passed a cyclist. I've always been very athletic.

As I neared the area Cap should be in, my heartbeat raised. Not because I was running, but because I was getting very nervous. I was starting to doubt my theory, and even if it was true, what should I say to him? Maybe I could casually walk by, keeping the max 50 m radius from him. That would be my best shot. I took a deep sigh and went back into a walking pace. The person next to Cap, I think it's Hawkeye, never sure, the media doesn't mention him much, had been looking in my direction. Just for a brief moment, but I know he saw me. Did he see that I stopped running too? Oh gosh I hope he doesn't think that I'm a wild fan girl.

This is so awkward this is so awkward

65 meters

60 meters

55 meters

I took the last few steps, before I was in radius. I could almost feel the tingling just before. Or maybe it was just something I told myself.

50 meters.

It came as a shock pulse through my body. Both my arms were burning, pulsating and glowing. I could see the glow through my sleeves. But both of my arms.. I looked at my left arm, and then at the two Avengers. There was a glow from both of their arms too. It was actually glowing quite a lot, and a few passerbys looked from a distance. Then I fell to my knees. The pain in my arms was too much, and as they neared me it only got worse. I actually wanted to scream, but that wouldn't be proper, so I just bit my lip and let the tears flow.
"H-hey miss.."
Hawkeye said, but I didn't hear more, because I passed out.


This chapter is longer, but I hope it doesn't bother since this is the chapter Flora meets her first two soulmates 🥳

Do you like Flora as a character?
I really like her and want to use her for future fan fics. I won't promise anything, but I do have another story slowly evolving in my mind.

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