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Flora's other marks:



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When I had met them all, the clock was around 6 pm

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When I had met them all, the clock was around 6 pm. Vision took me to the living room of the very big house they stayed at. It was almost a mansion.
"I hope you aren't too overwhelmed"
Vision said.
"I'm definitely overwhelmed, but in a good way. I'm so happy!"
I hadn't told him or the others about my other soulmarks, yet. I just couldn't bring myself to it. They all seemed so happy, to have finally found me. I know I should tell them, but I wanted to be happy too. For once in my life, I could actually feel comfortable with having so many soulmarks.. and yet, that was the very thing keeping me from being completely happy. Vision must've noticed my change in mood and asked: »it is completely okay if you need more time. You don't have to feel pressured«
"N-no... it's not that, I'm just worrying about my friends. They don't know that I have this many soulmarks. No one does. What will I tell them?"
"We will figure it out. I am sure your friends will understand"


Pietro felt almost childlike. He couldn't describe nor contain his feelings. Wanda felt the same. The two twins were whispering in their own couch, while keeping an eye at the door.
"She's just so beautiful. I hope we'll see her soon"
He said to his sister.
"Calm down. You will just end up scaring her. She's probably confused and will need time to fully get used to this"
But Wanda did have to admit that she too was excited. Flora had been one of the few reasons as to why she has kept believing. Whoever her soulmate would be, she had always waited for that day they would meet.


Thor was just as astonished as he was surprised. A mortal woman and a demi-god. He knew he should tell the all-father, but his father didn't have to know everything. Besides, Heimdal was probably looking and has already told Odin. His thoughts kinda wandered back to his brother, who was probably sulking somewhere in the castle.
After his attempt on taking over Midgard, he was sentenced to an unreasonably long punishment. Loki might act like a jerk, but he was still his brother, and wasn't 100% at fault. Thor caught on pretty quickly that maybe Odin's parenting skills had something to do with it too. Now his mischievous brother was free to roam around the castle, but his magic had been shortened drastically, so he had no way of escaping. Maybe he could take Flora to Asgard one day, so they could meet. In the short moment they met each other, he had felt so much goodness from her heart, and his soulmark had shone brighter than any star in the sky.


The door opened, and everyone turned their attention towards Flora. Bruce had almost had a nervous breakdown, because of his conflicting emotions and the Hulk right under, ready to emerge. Lucky, when their soulmate walked into the room, he felt calm. The Hulk too. He could feel how he almost felt like his own person. No underlying anger ready to explode.
Flora started out a little nervous. Vision whispered something to her, which gave him a sting in the chest. For a split second he felt kinda upset. Was the Hulk jealous? Vision was just helping their soulmate.


I was very nervous. In situations like this I could normally keep my cool, but these were my soulmates. And they were the Avengers. Not to mention that one of them was a god? Lucky for me, Vision helped me, and I felt a little less awkward.
"I'm so happy that I've met you all!"
I said, speaking from my true emotions. They all came up to hug me, and I felt squashed but happy. Tears started to flow. I don't think I've never been this happy in my life. Not ever since I moved when I finished school. My parents are the best. They've always done what was best for me. Now that I've finally met 8 of my soulmates, they deserve to meet them. When I was finally free and dried my eyes, we sat down onto the various couches and talked. They got to know me, and I got to hear many funny stories the Avengers have experienced behind the scenes. It was so weird, but also amazing to get to know the world's mightiest heroes. They were of course very different from other people, but at the same time, they were still humans. Thor too was more than just a god. He was a big goof and had major labrador energy if you got to see the personal side of him. At least when it came to the human realm. Gosh! I still can't believe one of my soulmates is a god.

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