Universal markings

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A giant screen flashed what appeared to be a giant picture of stars. Scattered on it were a bunch of blue dots giving the whole picture a weird look. Other than the screen the room was completely enveloped in darkness. A shadowy hand moved over the control panel and the picture changed to a bunch of text. Information is key. Without it no one would understand anything. With enough information the whole world could be understood and that was what he wanted. The dark figure tapped something and a collage of pictures of various alien creatures showed up. They all showed something on their body. A deformed birthmark, a strange looking tattoo, except, it wasn't. The phenomenon of soulmates was a phenomenon yet to be understood. Many had chosen not to understand it. Many said it couldn't be. That this was truly the work of faith. He believed otherwise. His kin had always wanted to understand everything and so they did. Soulmates was just one of those things that refused to be understood. The only information there was of soulmates was that they were a universal phenomenon for intelligent life. The barrier between an unintelligent and intelligent life form was uncertain, and there had yet to be documented a race that was going through the middle phase. They weren't the only to have asked this question. Every species that had these soulmarks had thought about this. Why do we have special markings when our fauna don't? It racked even more questions when it turned out that a person could be soulmate to someone of a different kind, and the whole concept of multi-marked was so out of mind no one thought it would ever be possible to fathom.

A lot of theories had been created about all of this. A lot of speculating and research had been done, but when it came to the step of experimenting everyone had seemed to stop. No one in this entire galaxy had been willing to experiment with the specifics of soulmates. Everyone was so against it, soulmate and soulmark experimentation had become illegal pretty much all over the galaxy. Even those who went behind the law to experiment with life and power never looked deeper into the whole "link of faith". He couldn't understand why. The concept of evil and cruelty had existed ever since the first being was done wrong. They were willing to turn their own kin into brainwashed and murderous creatures who would evidently kill their own soulmate. But that always came after. No one had purposely taken two soulmates who hadn't established a link yet and killed one of them. Direct soulmate experimentation was just a concept no one thought about. Those who did agreed that it was the cruellest thing to do, and those who did anyway just didn't think about it.

He would be the first to break that law and for it he was now wanted in the whole galaxy. Possibly the entire universe. Everywhere he went they'd find him and they'd punish him for his experiments. Even his own species who were so desperate to learn more didn't want the information he had now. They were also after him. Seeking, hunting. They found him once. Destroyed all of his equipment, but he got away and that was enough. It didn't matter what they destroyed or thought. As long as he understood it, everyone could chase him as much as they wanted. He was far too deep in it to stop and this was all too exciting. All he needed to further his experiments was another planet. A species in a place where they did not know about him. And here he was. On this seemingly nowhere planet, where there were such wonderful creatures. Humans were fascinating. Their souls are incredible. There was no place in this galaxy where a species had this many multi-marked walking around. The double-marked were so normal they weren't an uncommon occurrence, and even those with triple were far from the possession their leaders had.

The screen turned to a picture of the planet. It too was filled with blue dots. They were scattered all over the world, but there were especially many on the northern continents. Why were there so many multi-marked on this planet? How was it possible? And how was she possible?

A picture appeared next to the planet. It was of an elderly woman smiling. She was surrounded by six people, all said to be her soulmate.

He wanted her.

But someone had been in the way. A new picture came up on the screen.

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