Hard decisions, little patience

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It's been 4 days. I haven't said anything about the mark, but have been very close to. Every time I try to build up courage to say it, I secretly wait for something to interrupt me. I'm so afraid of telling them, even if it's only one mark. They'll ask so many questions, and I won't have a good answer to any of them. Both of them are also just as hyped about Captain America maybe having a second soulmate. If I say it at the wrong time, they might freak even more out and cause a scene. They have been searching for clues and such, the past few days, while I work on the app. We're in my apartment, and it's actually kinda nice having them here. Even if we don't really talk, it's nice having them here. We didn't get to spend much time in the summer holiday, because they were in the US visiting Nitri's parents.
"How's it going with searching for the maybe second soulmark?"
I asked. I was taking a small break to get a cup of tea and a sandwich.
"Not much further than last time you asked. Found some old government files, old conspiracy theories and stuff that isn't that reliable. But there are other people who have noticed something on mr. Rogers arm"
Nitri said, and showed me a long list of websites.
"Mr. Rogers?"
"Yeah.. we thought that since we've researched so much on him, it's fine at least using his real last name"
I don't really like using the Avengers' real names, since I think it's especially personal to them. But I won't force my friends to not use them, and it's fine for me to hear they only reference him by surname. The personal thing is also the reason why I never use my own name, but a very old username, which I came up with in like 4th grade. I liked flowers, I liked foxes. Flower Fox has been my online name on almost every site I have an account on.


"Why are we still walking around here?"
Pietro asked as they entered a park area. These past few days, they've been split up into smaller groups, so they could cover a bigger area. It's been a little boring for some, and patience is running thin.
"Because it's the only thing we can do. Walk around places, see if we feel that special soulmate feeling"
Tony answered. They all looked at him. He had suddenly changed from 'let's track them down' to 'if we walk enough around we might find them'.
"Since when did you become so passionate about this?"
Clint asked. Nat gave him an elbow in the side. Yeah, it was dumb question. They all wanted to meet their soulmate, but he hadn't expected it to push Tony this much out of character.
"I realised that our soulmate means a lot more to me, than I've ever felt for someone"
They all send each other looks in understanding.
"Us too Tony"
Steve said. Pietro sighed and made a bored movement. He was annoyed that he couldn't use his ability to search the city quicker. But they had made an agreement that powers would only be used if there was an attack. Which there hadn't been many of. Turns out it's a lot calmer here than in New York, but if you asked Clint, it probably wouldn't be for long before a supervillain showed their ugly face. They managed to spend 10 minutes together, before they were swarmed by fans. Even if they were here to find their soulmate, it was nice to say hi to fans here and there, though it could also be very distracting. At least for some.


"I can't believe you're really here!"
A fan screamed and ran up to them. Wanda sometimes wondered if their soulmate was a fan. And what type of person they would be. Would they brag to their friends about being soulmates with the Avengers, or would they be more calm. She was more afraid of who their soulmate would be, than finding them. The fan pushed through the small group, and held out a small poster so they could sign it. Wanda felt spoiled girl vibes, but was trying not to judge too fast. People can be different from what they lead on. For the better or worse. She signed the poster, where she was, and gave a small smile.

A Soul Above the Rest (Avengers Soulmate Story)Where stories live. Discover now