Connecting the future

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Hello! I'm back.. sorta
So I started school again, and I know homework will soon begin to fill my free time, so I'm only gonna update every second Tuesday. But I will begin to update again now!

I remember that my mother used to tell me that the first 12 days of January would predict how your year would be. As a child I wholehearted believed that, and would use all December to plan out how I wanted to spend my first 12 days. As I got older it just became a tradition. After every month me, Lena and Nitri would look back at that month's events and see if there was any correlation to the day that matched. This may be me being superstitious, but I do see a correlation between the days and the months of last year. On the eighth of January, my website had quite the number of multi-marked stories telling that they had finally found one of their soulmates. For some it was the first, others the second or even third. That definitely correlated with me finding a number of my soulmates. That day Lena also told me that her grandma had died, which was very upsetting for all of us. Growing up I never really knew my own grandparents, so I loved it when I met other people's elders. Lena's grandma became like a grandma to me, so I was very sad. That grief and feeling of loss definitely correlated with the loss of my parents. The 9th day also matches. I spent the whole day being sad. It took me some time, but I eventually pulled myself together to talk with Lena. Nitri said that she had taken the day off to just be herself, but that she was glad that I wrote to her. That day and my September correlated pretty well. I decided that this sadness shouldn't weigh Lena down to a dangerous point. I knew she had had a bad past with a lot of losses, and that she used to have low self esteem issues, so I wanted to help her grief without being tugged down to a point where everything was black. Me and Nitri talked to her, and she agreed to come train with us for an hour every day for the next few weeks. After three days she said that she already felt much better, and that she was happy to have friends like us. I know it was Lena who grieved the most in those days, but there is still the correlation.

"I'm not the type to get superstitious, but seeing all the similarities and connections, I feel like I'm going crazy"
I've told Annabelle about the sneaky fear that is within me. I don't like to think about it, and I really wish that it was juts me looking too deep into it, but I can't ignore it. I just can't.
"It's okay to feel like that, my dear. A lot of things have happened in your life lately, and I think it's good to lean on something for support. Magic is real after all, so maybe there is something supernatural giving you these hints, through actions and events"
I don't know how she could seem calm after everything but she did. It's kinda admirable. I wish I could find it in me, to act calm like her, but my whole body is tense and I'm clutching onto the wheel like it's the only thing keeping me here.
"I almost wish that magic wasn't real. Then I could calm myself down, by saying that those correlations were just things that coincidentally matched. That I just trained my brain to see these stupid connections.. but with magic there is always the smallest chance, that there is something magical showing me further through events. Our futures aren't looking good, if there truly is anything to go off from"
Annabelle sighed and closed her eyes.
"I know. But I believe that you can get through it. Just like you did today. You're one of a kind, Miss Crestal"


So yeah. We take off right from where it stopped.
How has your summer been? Mine has been incredible hot, and I feel like melting into a puddle of meat and bones.

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