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(A/n) Friday update!

As foreseen, my body hurt so much the next day that I could barely move. It hurt everywhere, and Steve wouldn't let me move on my own. He lifted me to the couch, where I spent most of my morning. Everyone wanted to know how the magical training went, since they had all seen how upset Steve looked when he came back with me, who was unconscious. I kept reassuring them that it was all my own will, and that I at no point felt like they were forcing me. I also promised that I would take it a little easier when I trained my magic, so I didn't hurt myself and the soulmate who's ability I was using. My soulmates wanted me to take a longer break, before my next training session, but Fury told them that it was very important that I show up, and I myself didn't feel any more muscle pain after the three days.

While I waited for the three days to pass by, I decided to pull myself even more together and call my friends the next day. I actually felt that my start to this new life had been going great, and I felt that I had the energy to finally confront my friends. I had left them all with a message saying that I needed a week of break, but now I was ready!

I made a video call to first Nitri and Lena, where I explained everything. We talked for hours. First I explained about my whole situation. I really wished that I could talk to them face to face, but this was better than texting them. Our conversation was moving towards what will happen in the future.
"What will happen with your apartment, now that you've moved?"
Lena asked. I've thought of it too, but it seems that Tony has that part under control. I told them what he had told me.
"It's still my apartment. Nothing is settled, and a little someone is helping me pay the rent. He said that it was partially their fault for basically kidnapping me to America, so I shouldn't have to worry about my home. I do want to ask a favour of you two"
Nitri made a goofy face and looked at Lena.
"No Nitri. It has nothing to do with underground thugs or crime bosses. I just want you to take care of my apartment. There's some food that's probably spoiled or rotten by now, and maybe some ingredients you could find useful. I can't say how long I'll stay in America"
We talked a little more about the food in my house. Nitri and Lena were fighting over who got to get what, since I told them that they could take whatever wasn't too old. Even the candy. It felt good talking and goofing around with them. I used all the emotions that came to the surface.

Because of the time zone difference, it was morning when I called, but around lunch in Denmark. I decided that I'd call Alex and Aya in the afternoon. They both lived in California, and in the past we would usually take turns on having sleepless nights when we had serious discussion together about Your soulmark and it's meaning.
I wrote to both of them, that I'd call both of them when it was 10 am in their time zone.

When I called, both of them were really delighted to see me. They had been a little stressed out, since they wanted me to be there when the app would be launched, so they had to delay the launch. I told them everything I felt that I should. I told them that my parents had been in an accident, and I didn't feel ready to tell them fully about it. They understood, but I know they wanted to know. I also didn't tell them that I met my soulmates and who they were. I really wanted to meet them in real life, before I told them too many personal things. What I did tell them, was that I was momentarily in The States, and that it was also one of the reasons that I had been absent. After I told them the semi-truth, we moved on to the app. It looked pretty good. Our beta-testers had helped make it easy to navigate around, and create posts and conversations. We decided to make it official tomorrow. Alex wrote a post about it on the main wall, where he also explained my absence. He made it short and simple, and I felt a little smile on my face, when I read some of the comments wishing me to get well soon.

My life already felt a little better.


Hello dear readers. I'm just wondering how you think the story will go, and what you think of the story itself, now that it has taken this turn.

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