The artefact

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I sat down on a seat in the yet. Wilhelm had given me a skintight suit, which he said could withstand most of my abilities, so it wouldn't be destroyed if I had to use them. I wondered that if I were to go on more missions, would I get a personal suit like the Avengers? I wasn't an agent for SHIELD, just in training there. The thought of making a suit with my soulmates, gave me a little spark of joy, but it quickly disappeared. All of my soulmates had probably heard about my absence by now, and I felt bad for not telling them in person, or going into detail, but this was something I wanted to do on my own. My hand was in my pocket, feeling the silk bag. The thing inside was lucky small enough to fit into my pocket. The same couldn't be said about my dad's artefact, but I did manage to get it with me. Wilhelm was just in possession of it right now, probably running tests on it or doing research. I could only see his back from where I was sitting. He said that I could get it with me if he could take a look at it. I'm not sure Fury knows, and I kinda hope he doesn't. I'm not sure if I can trust Wilhelm either, but it was my only option for getting it with me. Wilhelm isn't that bad. He's somehow better than Fury, even though he's also pretty strange. I definitely get the "crazy scientist" vibes from him.
"I have news, agent Crestal, your lil' arrow here is quite the things"
Speaking of the sun. He turned to me and, to my slight surprise, gave it back to me.
"So, what did you find out?"
I asked.
"Well, it's quite interesting. For a start, it is made of three materials, only one which we have here on Earth. The shaft is of tungsten, and even though we have it here on Earth, it is almost always combined with other elements. This staff is pure tungsten, not wolframite or any alloys"
He looked at me, as to see if I had any questions. Wolfram, huh, the metal with the highest melting point and is found in ores like wolframite and scheelite.
"What about the fletching?"
I asked, and Wilhelm grinned.
"Even better! At first I thought it was bone, like ivory or maybe keratin, but the structure is nothing I could find data on. From what I could get, it has similarities to bones in our animal kingdom, it is just much harder, stronger and older. It's ancient! Where and what they come from, and how those carvings were made is a mystery"
"I place my bets on aliens"
I said jokingly, but remember that aliens do indeed exist. Maybe one of my primitive ancestors had met an alien, and that's where this artefact was from. Wilhelm talked a little about the leather that was wrapped around the shaft as a handle, and said that it was most likely from a cow, and that the stitching was most likely fibres. Nothing of real interest, though it was a weird thought: using the artefact more as a stabbing tool than an arrow. It did actually have a neck cut like an arrow, but Wilhelm said that it would never work as a real one. I think I have a soulmate who would try and differ, even though it was clear that it wouldn't fly for long.

Then we came to the head. The head was this big black crystal-like rock. I'm honestly not sure what it even is. If you look close enough you can see that it is slightly transparent, but it is very hard to see through the black colour.
"I have yet to find any similarities of the head and any mineral on earth, but it appears to be a sort of gemstone. Though, there is a chance that it could also be some other worldly material made by aliens. I would love to run more tests on it, but I do not have the right equipment here"
"Will Fury know about this?"
I too was interested about my arrow artefact, but if Fury were to know about this, I would rather keep it hidden.
"Oh not at all if you don't want to. This will be our personal little project. What about "Project Sagitta?""
I didn't answer, since I wasn't fully sure of it yet, and just leaned back into my seat. It was getting close to midnight. Only a few hours ago, I was getting ready for a memorable night. The first New Years with my soulmates, and now I had left them for what could essentially be boiled down to revenge. But I swear it wasn't just because I sought vengeance. I knew I needed to know more about these smoke creatures, before I could go for an attack, and this was my opportunity. It was also to make sure that one of the world's most important and special people would be safe.

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