Annabelle Rex

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Fireworks were going off all around the villa area, signalling that it was now a new year. But of course not everyone could enjoy this night with their loved ones. One of them being Annabelle Rex, who was secretly being transported away from the city she lived in. She was not aware that the people moving her were from the organisation SHIELD, but merely thought they were from the government. She did know that she was being moved because of the many attacks and kidnappings of multi-marked, but did not know that those behind them weren't human.

As of now, she was just waiting in the front hall for who she was told would be her bodyguard.
"But what if she becomes lonely?"
"Sir, it is important that she travels alone, so we minimise the ri-"
"I know, I know!"
She heard her very first soulmate, and best friend, David argue with one of the agents. She felt a little bad for the man, after all he was just doing his job, and her soulmate had been nagging him all night. He had done everything to try and come with her, but to no use. She understood why she had to travel alone, and had told him many times that there would be nothing to worry about. All of her soulmates knew that she was in danger, and all wished her good luck. They had all said their goodbyes, since it would be more noticeable if they all stood and watched as she drove away. Now they were in the backyard setting off fireworks. All except for David. He just had a hard time accepting that he would have to leave her side for the first time in 50 years.
"David dear, please leave the man alone, he is just doing his job. Besides, you should go back to the others. Don't let this ruin your New Years too much. We still have many more to come"
Anna said, and put a hand on his shoulder. David sighed and rubbed his face with his hands.
"It's just.."
He started, but she interrupted:
"I know, David dear, but soon my escort will be here"
There was a few seconds of silence, before he nodded, finally seeming to accept that she was leaving without him. He took her hands and gave her a defeated smile.
"Okay.. you take care, my dearest Anna. I hope to see you soon"
He kissed her on the cheek before slowly making his way to the backyard.
She looked after him, until an agent poked her on the shoulder.
"Ma'am, your guard will be here in 5 minutes"


After I landed in the airport, I had to be driven to Annabelle house. Neither Vilfred or Fury went with me. It was just me and a silent driver. The car moved smoothly through the city, and yet it felt so slow. Time had passed by faster than I liked, even though every minute felt like hours. It was already half an hour ago that it was New Year. But now I was here. At the start of my first mission. Annabelle Rex lived in a very nice villa area in north California. It was weird to actually meet the record holder of the most soulmarks. As a soulmate fanatic I have of course researched as much as possible about her. One of my goals was actually to one day get an interview with her, and post about it on my forum. Now I'm going to be her bodyguard. Many have said that their life has changed after meeting their soulmate/s. A little over three months ago I wondered how my life would change. I never imagined it going this far.

When I arrived at the house, Annabelle was already in the car that we would be travelling in. There was no one else in sight, only the other driver and the Six Souls holder. I opened the door to the black car and sat down. Nothing special. I wondered where all the security was. It couldn't all just be me, right?
"Oh, you must be my bodyguard?"
Annabelle asked. She looked surprised and I don't blame her. You don't really think of a security guard when you look at me. Maybe 'fitness freak' will cross your mind.
"Yes ma'am, you can count on me"
I said.
"I won't doubt your words, dear. You just look so young"
Annabelle trailed off, and I had the feeling that there was something more she wanted to say, but decided not to. Instead she just stayed silent and the only sound was the light radio music and the fireworks outside.

No one said a word.

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