A little talk

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There was silence for a long time. Shortly after we left the city area, two trucks drove in front and behind the car.
»don't panic. They're security«
The driver said, referring to the trucks. I felt a little relieved knowing that I wasn't the only form of security. That would have been insane. I mean, you transport one of the world's most important people, and what do you send with her for protection? A 21 year old who has had 3 months of training. Miss Rex must think it's a little weird. Maybe that's why she trailed off, but she's too polite to say anything. Doesn't ask questions openly, but just keeps them to herself, wondering. After about half an hour of quiet driving, Miss Rex suddenly spoke. I honestly thought that she had gone to sleep, because of how quiet she had been.
"If it's not too much trouble, may I ask something, miss?"
She asked.
"Sure. Ask away"
I answered.
"Where are you from, miss?"
I thought for a moment. Wilhelm told me that the mission would be relatively easy, looking besides the fact that my mission was to keep the Six Souls holder safe. But with Annabelle suddenly wanting to talk, I felt it wasn't gonna be so easy. It wasn't because I didn't know what I was allowed to say and not, it was that I was afraid to say something that could be taken the wrong way. She was a phenomenon, and growing up I had felt such a strong fascination towards her, because of my own many marks. Now I was here, and she wanted to talk with me. Or ask a few questions, either way, I didn't feel very "professional" right now.
"I'm from Denmark, Miss Rex"
"Oh, I did think you had a slight accent. What do you think of the States?"
I tried not to look away. Man, I was really unprofessional right now. I guess that, even after all this hard training, both physically and mentally, I am just a fan. It was easier with the Avengers. Yes, it was hard to understand and comprehend that they were some of my soulmates, but our bonds made it easier for me to feel comfortable around them. With Annabelle I just felt shy. She must have felt the tension within me, because she said:
"Don't be scared to talk to me, dear. Let's lift the mood, ask me a question instead"
I was so embarrassed. It pumped through my body like the blood in my veins. She was so nice towards me, and sounded so understanding about the fact that I was fangirling inside. I took a deep breath, tried to collect my feelings and thoughts from the floor, and just get myself together. I am 101% sure that Fury is watching somewhere, and even if Miss Rex seemed understating, I am confident that Fury wouldn't have the same reaction. Okay, Flora. Be professional now! But what could I ask her about, that she probably hadn't already heard a million times?
"What do you feel about suddenly leaving your soulmates? Mr. Sanders must've been really concerned"
It suddenly blurted out of me.
"I do think it is a shame that I had to move on New Years, but at the same time, I've held so many of them with my soulmates and their families, and hopefully I will hold many more with them. When it comes to my dear David, yes, he was really concerned. Oh goodness, you should have heard him. He wouldn't stop nagging those poor agents up until I was about to leave"
We talked for about an hour. I almost felt relaxed talking with her. She was calm and never seemed to be offended or upset by my questions, which made me feel a little better. When it was around 2 in the morning, Annabelle went to sleep. She had pulled back her chair, so she was laying down, and I had given her a blanket she could sleep with. I was beginning to get concerned that I might hear from Fury, or maybe Wilhelm, but I tried to push it away. Annabelle wanted to talk, and I didn't want her to feel bad or bored. I just couldn't. Not towards her. Besides, I wasn't told that I couldn't talk with her, so I wasn't technically doing anything wrong.

To make time pass, I looked out of the window. There wasn't much to see, only cars and other vehicles. We were going at a steady and good speed. Hopefully we would be at Sacramento at 6, where we would have a small break, before driving off and hiding on the roads near the national forests.

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