Trying to stay calm

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After Flora decided to disappear, Steve, Tony and Bruce had tried to get into contact with Fury, but it appeared that he too was unavailable. Hill wouldn't tell them anything, and Tony could not find any documents on where their soulmate's mission would be. It was hard not to suspect that this mission was planned, but the three tried to keep calm about it, until they had contacted the rest of the people in Flora's soulmate bouquet. They got Bruce under control relatively easily. He had been good at keeping the Hulk under control these last years, but no one had really faulted him if he had unleashed that beast. Natasha did console him, just to be sure, but everything seemed to be calm. Having the Hulk under control was a relief, but then there was Tony. The billionaire was willing to actually hack into their soulmate's phone to find her location, but Steve and Clint talked him out of it. Steve made it clear that they should not be so overprotective, and wait a few days. If Fury still didn't want to answer, then they could start searching for her, but what Tony was ready to do was absurd. Steve did let the others try to call her one last time, to which they found out that she had left her phone in her room.

Around the time, where everyone had calmed down, they began to look at the presence. There was 6 hours until it would be a new year. Steve thought that there should still be some sort of a party, even if their soulmate wasn't there. He thought it might be a good distraction. Tony sure thought so too because he got drunk and fell asleep right after the first fireworks had gone off.

The others talked, discussing a little bit about the new year that was to come, and how this year had been. Thor described it as magical and mystical. Flora Crestal was truly something out of the ordinary. Of course the unnerving feeling that had loomed over them for the last hours, rose again with the mention of their soulmate, but they tried to stay positive. Steve suggested that they could make her a hero, so she wouldn't be directly under SHIELDs control. With time they could even introduce her as part of the Avengers, if she wanted to of course. They did all like the idea of making her a suit. A lot of funny ideas and a good conversation came out of it. It was early morning before everyone went to rest in their rooms. Whether they actually slept was not to say, since a few of them had the habit of pulling all nighters for time to another.

——————🕒time skip🕖——————

The next morning brought nothing short but the hard reality of their soulmate's absence. Even though she had used much of her time training, being in her room or being alone in the tower, everyone could still feel her absence.
They usually all made sure to see her at least once a day, Vision or Bruce being some of the first to greet her a good morning. Now she wasn't there, but they had to live with it for today, and probably tomorrow too, by what they agreed with Steve. No one really wanted to talk about Flora, and it was kinda an unspoken agreement everyone had, that it would be better not to tell her friends about. But the Maximoff twins had to know. Of course no one really wanted to talk to them either, so Clint took it upon himself to call them, since he basically adopted them and felt a big responsibility for them. He tried to get it out easy, but there was no easy way to say that no one had any idea of where their soulmate was.
"Wait.. what do you mean by "not with you right now"? Wasn't she supposed to go back to training today?"
Wanda asked, a little uneasy. She seemed to know what the archer was trying to say, but of course she hoped it wasn't true.
"She was supposed to, but the thing just is,,, she left yesterday without telling us where she was going. She said she would be on a mission, most definitely for SHIELD, but no one can get in contact with Fury. I just wanted to tell you, since she's also your soulmate. If you hear anything, please tell me"


It was devastating news for the twins, but what could they do? Wanda wasn't sure what to feel or how to react. She wanted to just lift everything from the ground and demand that Fury tell them where their soulmate was, but she had to keep her brother under control. He too was ready to break a few rules to get the directors attention, but they kept their abilities under control. That wasn't to say that they were quite upset when meeting for today's patrol. They had been sent to Southern California, where they would be looking out for black smoke kidnapping multi-marked, and creating havoc just in general. They were there with Sam, Rhodey, James, or Bucky as they had been allowed to call him, and Scott. Or as the fans had kinda dubbed them: "the new Avengers". It was clear that the others felt their agitation, but didn't ask, probably in fear of an outbreak. They were smart not to ask. The Maximoff twins were ready to fight a whole war right now.


Oh sweet banana bread, I have this exam tomorrow and I am not happy, because I'm so afraid that I won't do it right.
Anyway, this isn't about my problem, it's about the Avengers, and how they dealt with Floras disappearance.

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