A smudged thought

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^picture of how I imagine Flora. It's Nitri and Lena in the corner

Nitri nearly broke Flora's door. It was around 2 in the afternoon, and their arrival had been expected. So when they came from the back door, it was unlocked, and the kitchen smelled like nectar and rainbows. The pink haired girl began to eat the leftover dough in the bowls, while Lena helped finish the details. It looked and smelled amazing. Brownie-like texture, but it can have many different tastes, and Flora always neatly decorates her cakes, so they look super cute.

As they sat down to eat the cake, Nitri brought up the pictures she took. She began to transfer them to her computer, while Lena and Flora talked about soulmates.
"You don't talk much about your soulmate, or mates, despite having a website about it. I haven't really asked you because it's you to decide, but now I'm too curious"
Flora looked down into her cup of tea, so she couldn't see her expression.
"I... um, I don't really like talking about my mark. But I promise you, both of you,"
She nodded towards Nitri who was very absorbed in her computer and cake.
"That I'll tell you why I haven't talked about my soulmate, when I find them"
Lena nodded slowly. She understood where her other best friend came from, but still felt cheated somehow. They had been friends for years and she had never, not even once, said anything that could spark a conversation about soulmates and soulmarks. She knew her and Nitri's story. How they felt before, how they met. Nitri's mark is a yellow star, with baby blue wings on the side, and a pink gemstone looking thing in the middle of the star. Her own mark is a half light pale yellow and a half dark purple. It looked like a halo with devil horns, one angel wing and one demon wing. Edgy? Yes. Flora had shown her own mark, but she never talked about it. They knew her mother was a multi-marked with three marks, and her dad was a mutant. He had enchanted senses and super strength. Flora had a very special family, if you asked Lena.
Nitri suddenly said. She didn't seem to have noticed the quiet tension in the room.
"I found something in some of the pictures!"
She turned her computer and showed a surprisingly good shot of The Avengers. Surprisingly good as in you could actually see Captain America, without any fans in the way.
"You see that black smudge on his arm?"
She pointed on his arm, where there indeed appeared to be something black under neath.
"I looked suuuuper closely, and it looks different from the one he is confirmed to have"
Flora went closer and zoomed in. There the quality failed, but Nitri was right. It didn't look like his other mark.
"So wait, Captain America is a multi-marked?! How have we not heard about that?"
Lena asked.
"Maybe he wanted to keep it a secret. Or maybe it's the government. I guess some things are better kept hidden. What do you think it is?"
"The mark is still black. That means he hasn't found his second soulmate yet..."
The two soulmates theorised like crazy, while Flora looked at the mark.


I couldn't stop staring at the mark. Did he really have a second soulmate? And he hadn't found them yet? That meant his soulmate could be any age. Maybe they've been waiting 70 years for him to unfreeze, or maybe they were born long after. It must be weird. His first soulmate was thought dead, and his second may not even know it's him. I looked down at my arm. I could see the six marks under the make up. Guess me and Cap had something in common. But then I realised. His mark had the same placement as one of mine. The one mark that looked an oddly lot like his shield. I suddenly felt a rush of panic, hope and the urge to puke. Could it really be? They were too similar to not. But I couldn't confront Captain America! What wouldn't everyone think?!?
"Uhm, Flora? Are you okay? You look a little pale"
Lena and Nitri looked very concerned. Maybe I should tell them. Maybe... just maybe they could help me get close enough to know if he might be my soulmate.
"O-oh,, sorry, I just thought about how it would change everything. You must promise not to start any rumours!"
Dang it. I just.. I just couldn't get myself to say it. Maybe another day. Maybe I should just figure this out on my own.

A Soul Above the Rest (Avengers Soulmate Story)Where stories live. Discover now