Linked souls

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"Two soulmates can be born with a long period of time between them, but coincidentally they will always meet their soulmate at least once in their life"
Miss Anderson said, as she was showing some examples on screen. There was an example of a man sent to assassinate a woman, and right as he was standing over her, watching her take her last breaths, their soul marks gained colour. He had thought it was one of the pedestrians walking by, but it had been her. I can't imagine how he must've felt. He killed his own soulmate. That's also really messed up.
"Okay class. It's time for a little quiz before class ends. Let's see how much your remember both from today's lesson, and from last year"
I logged into the quiz, and waited for the rest. This is gonna be fun. The first three questions were middle schooler stuff. Something everyone could answer.

Question nr. 4: what are the most soulmarks a person has found having?

A: 4
B: 1
C: 6
D: 9

I smiled a little. This question should be fairly easy, but you'd be surprised at how little knowledge some people had about soulmates and soulmarks. I guess that's why they decided to take this study class. To learn more about the very thing that determines so many people's actions. I only took this class to see if there was any information that I might've missed throughout my long search. So far nothing of a real answer came, but it was still very interesting to be here.

This class is for anyone who wants to learn/test their knowledge in soulmates and their marks. Everyone 16 and older can join this, which means a lot of the students are teenagers. So when this class is over, many of these students has to go to another class, while I can go home. I finished gymnasium two years ago, but have still been researching soulmates and marks like I'm studying for an exam.

There are a few others who have also finished school. One of them is Evelyn. She's always flashing her three soul marks. They say people who have more than one soulmark are special, especially those with three, but I can't see Evelyn being special other than using daddy's money. She's a year younger than me, and has already found one of her soulmates, her 'best friend' Kamille, who also happens to be a multi-marked. With only two marks though. It was the first week after summer break, and the two 'mark twins' as they've been named, were showing off their soulmarks and abilities. Well, mostly Evelyn. Kamille's ability was sharpened hearing, which made her the perfect agent for gossip material. Evelyn on the other hand, had a very flashy and 'impressive' ability. She could lift objects with the help of small hand movements. Almost telekinesis. She was making a pencil float in front of a group of newer students.

Some people say that soulmark powers are nothing compared to a mutant, and it's nothing to fuss about. But here in Denmark there are pretty much no mutants, and they're definitely nothing significant. Mutants are kinda just an American thing, just like aliens. Plus, mutants can't have more than one soulmark.

I walked past her, and Evelyn looked after me.
"Hey Flora. You're doing pretty good in soulmates class for one who hasn't even found hers yet«
Her and Kamille laughed, and the small group quietly giggled. This was some petty stuff. It really shows that Evelyn takes her marks as her biggest pride, and that she's a spoiled brat who never grew older than 16, mentally. Oh how I could destroy it in an instance, alongside my own freedom. I just shrugged and walked out of the building. At least I'm mature enough to not take her words to heart.
"Who even wears long sleeves in the summer?"
Someone said behind me, probably Kamille.

A Soul Above the Rest (Avengers Soulmate Story)Where stories live. Discover now