On the road again

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"What? I really hope, for your own good, that this isn't a scam"
I roll my eyes, but inside I sigh in relief, as I hear Nitri's voice. We've been driving for a few hours, before I decided that it was safe enough to stop and find somewhere where I could make a call. I didn't have my phone on me, but luckily for me, we drove by a town where I spotted a payphone. Lena won't, nine out of ten times, take the phone if it's from a number she hasn't saved, and she would definitely not take her phone if the number was from a different country. Nitri however loves to play around with telephone marketers or scammers if she gets the chance, but I was getting worried as she wasn't picking her phone up. To my delight, the third time was indeed the charm.
»Nitri! It's me, Flora!«
I interrupt, as she begins to ramble about having a bad hair day or something.
"Flora? Yooooo, what are you doin' on some random phone?"
"Things have been... wild these last 24 hours, to say the least. I'm calling you, because I need to tell you and Lena something important"
I can hear her move around, and I suddenly hear Lena's voice in the background.
"Hey Flora. What's up? How was your New Years?"
I hear her say. I sigh heavily, but quickly get to the point. I don't want to waste more time.
"Different than I expected. Now listen up. I'm out doing something that I'm not allowed to give details on, but if I don't call back within the next 24 hours, I want you to call my soulmates. I know this is a lot to ask of you, but I will explain everything when things are a little more under control"
"Wowowowo hol' up Petunia. So what you're saying is that we need to call The Avengers if we don't hear from you? Damn that's such a weird sentence to say out loud"
Nitri slightly laughed, but Lena took the phone and said:
"Is there anything more you want to say?"
"Yes. I want you to tell them that, as we speak, I am somewhere in southwest California, and that I am making my way to the coast. I have to go now. Please contact them, if you don't hear from me again"
Then the phone hangs up. Luckily I got to say what I wanted to say, but I know I left my two best friends confused. I just don't have time to call them again, since I don't want to be here for too long.

I sat back into the car and drove off. Miss Rex was sitting in the passenger seat looking quite calm for the situation. She had been surprised but hadn't asked any questions. Now she just sat there, no signs of any fear or shock.
"Okay, so I have a plan. I know a place, where we can get you to safety"
I said and clutched my hands around the wheel. This plan had a few holes, but it was the only way that I could see me get the Six Souls holder to safety. The car had a button to switch the licence plate, which made me feel a little more safe, at the off chance that our chasers are searching the licence plates. I hoped that they would at least think it was just a car with the same model, as this was the only thing to keep us safe. I wasn't even sure if the location, where I wanted to go, was still a safe spot. I have been talking a lot with my friends, even if my training was long and hard. While talking with the Maximoff twins, they told me that they were stationed at a base somewhere near a town called Topanga. They couldn't tell me exactly where, but I had the feeling that they told me more than they were allowed to. I desperately hoped that they were still there. They said that it was quieting down with the attacks and kidnappings, and if that continued, they would be moved to international bases.

"Don't you think the silence is a little tedious, dear?"
Annabelle suddenly asked.
"Maybe. Is there anything you'd like to talk about?"
"Oh, I'm not sure. There is just something, but I could be wrong"
I glance shortly at her, but quickly look back on the road, and everywhere around us. I have to make sure that we are not being followed.
"You're probably one of the smartest people I know. How could you be wrong?"
The fangirl side was talking at that moment. Miss Rex let out a light laugh. I know we all make mistakes, and guesses wrong on things, but Annabelle Rex was known for also being quite the sharp guesser. She seemed so multitalented, with all her soulmate abilities, and then she was also a master guesser and analyser. She was just never wrong.
"I'm flattered you think that of me. It's just about your soulmates. 17, no?"
I answered, wishing she had been wrong. But as said, she was never wrong.


Sorry that the chapter came out a little late 😓
But ey, better late than never, right?

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