Chapter 24

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Harry may have gone a bit overboard ordering food. He didn't have the most refined pallet, and he didn't want to order something Draco wouldn't eat. Typically, Harry had the ribs, the shrimp with garlic sauce, the shrimp with vodka sauce,  or if he was feeling particularly fancy, the paella.

Draco telling him to "get whatever" was not reassuring to Harry in the slightest. So Harry just ordered everything that he liked along with an extra chicken dish and some salad just to be safe. He wouldn't have to cook for a week at this rate.

These were the days Harry was thankful he was a wizard since he could just cast stasis charms on all of his food. Really, that was some of the only magic he used in his home. Harry had grown used to doing things the old fashioned muggle way, and he usually felt better after manual labor.

As Harry waited inside of the restaurant, Draco finished his sketch from the orchard. Seeing Harry wasn't back yet, Draco began looking through the photos from the day.

The few of him straddling Harry's waist had been a surprise.

"I guess I'm not the only one taking sneaky pictures am I Potter?", Draco mumbled to himself. 

He stared at those pictures for awhile, tears forming in his eyes. Draco had never had a friendship as loving as this one if he was being honest to himself. Pansy was great, but she just didn't get Draco the way that Harry did.

Draco used his wand to carefully transfer copies of the picture onto the MP3 player he had basically stolen from Harry at this point. This would be his next sketch. Not that Harry would ever find out about it of course.

Feeling bold, Draco made the lockscreen his favorite picture of the bunch. Live Photo backgrounds were a beautiful thing, and he grinned as he watched their flirting play out on the screen. Draco could still feel Harry's hands ghosting over his hips. All he wanted to do was snog Harry senseless against that tree. In a perfect world, he would have.

It was times like today Draco really questioned what exactly he and Harry were doing. Draco knew without a doubt he himself was gay, but he didn't know about Harry. He didn't know if Harry knew he was gay. Draco didn't go about flaunting his sexuality back at Hogwarts for obvious reasons. It wasn't safe and he wasn't out to his family.

Since the war, he came out to his mother. As far as he was aware his father didn't know. That was not something Draco wanted to get into. He didn't think his father would disown him, but he would most certainly be disappointed at the lack of a Malfoy heir.

Draco did want a child of his own though. He always had. There was so much love he could give to someone. Finding a woman would be the real issue. Sighing, he dropped his head against the seat.

There was so much of his past he wished he could change, but Draco must look forward. If he didn't, he would crumple and fall. Harry wouldn't always be there to catch him.

A tapping on his window startled him out of his thoughts. Thankfully, it was only Harry.

"Are we expecting someone else for dinner?"

Harry smiled as he watched Draco delicately raise one eyebrow.

"No we're not. I just didn't know what you liked to eat so..."

"So you bought me half the menu?"

"No that would be absurd. I bought us half the menu."

The corner of Draco's mouth quirked into a smile at how Harry emphasized the word "us".

"You're such an idiot Harry."

Draco couldn't stop the laugh that escaped his mouth as Harry smiled at him.  He got out of the car to help Harry load the food into the seemingly endless back of the car.

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