Chapter 43

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{Dedicated to vilia2006 thank you for all of the votes!}

Harry could definitely get used to waking up with Draco wrapped around him. He smiled softly as he watched him sleep.

"Are you going to creepily stare at me while I sleep, or are you going to wake me up with a morning kiss?"

"Neither of us brushed our teeth, that's gross."

Draco rolled over to grab his wand, and Harry was soon overwhelmed with the taste of spearmint.

"No excuses now."

Draco kissed Harry as if it would be their last. He supposed with both of their track records, he would never know. Better safe than sorry. Yep, Draco would kiss Harry whenever he felt like it. Just in case.

"Hey Dray?"

"Yes darling?"

"I think we should get a new room."

"What do you mean?"

"One that we fix up together, to make it ours. I think it's important to still have our separate rooms in case either of us want the space. I want something that's ours that we can create together. I think it would be nice."

"I think that sounds absolutely perfect."


"Almost as perfect as yours truly."

Draco was prepared for a snarky comment, but what Harry instead had him blushing.

"You're perfect for me. My perfect Draco."

"Shut up", Draco muttered, hiding his face.

"If you hide your face how can I kiss you?"

"Get creative."

Laughing, Harry pulled Draco into a hug.

"Were you able to get gifts for anyone?"

"A few things."

"Oh Merlin!"


"The Weasleys are coming over for Christmas dinner. I want to stop by again and see how Molly wants to split up the cooking. We should invite over Nev and Luna too. I need some parchment."

Draco whined when Harry left him.

"Come on my love, we're going out."

Draco was grumbling until he saw that it was snowing.

"Harry look! It's snowing."

"Do you like the snow?"

"I love it. Do you think the pond froze over and we can ice skate?"

"If it didn't I will personally freeze it to see you this happy."

Draco beamed down at Harry.

"I'll give you 15 minutes to change and write your list. I have one of my own to write."

"See you soon Dray."

He kissed Harry again simply because he was allowed to do so, and changed into one of the sweaters he had stolen from Harry. Draco needed it more than Harry anyways. This was another way in which they were opposites. Draco was always cold, yet Harry always had this vibrant warmth about him. It was comforting and it always made him feel safe.

After lacing up his boots, he made them some tea and poured it into disposable cups for them. Harry came down wearing a knitted hat with a pom pom on top and Draco almost died at the sight. Domestic Potter was the best Potter. Until they got married anyways, and Draco became Draco Malfoy Potter. Then Harry could suck up being second best.

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