Chapter 1

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Harry had taken a very long time to finally doze off when he was awoken by the sound of pacing, right in front of his door. Sleep had been hard to come by since the war passed. Actually, sleep was always hard to come by when a psychopath lived in your head rent free. His body begrudgingly adapted to getting between 3-6 hours of sleep. Living alone and having to listen to the creaking and groaning of the house "settling" as Hermione called it, often led to him checking all of the doors and windows multiple times as if he lived in a normal house that was visible to those who walked past and prone to intruders. Logically, he knew it was impossible for anyone to break in, but he couldn't stop his mind from wandering until he had made sure everything was sealed top to bottom.

No, he tended to keep himself locked away in Grimmauld Place, away from the public eye. He could deal with the strange noises of the old house better than all of those strangers who would approach him and praise him. He never had the heart to turn people away when they desperately felt the need to thank him or ask him questions about the war. A quick run to Diagon Alley for some quills and ink would turn into at least a 3 hour affair and he just couldn't keep up with it anymore. Using the invisibility cloak made him feel like a coward, and if Harry Potter is one thing it's not a coward. Stubborn however, that's another story.

As his thoughts ran wild, he heard hesitation in those steps. Back and forth in front of his door, from one end of the hall to the other. What did he expect for HIS first night in his home. Their home? He wasn't sure. Once again, Harry Potter thought with his heart instead of his brain.

Whatever was plaguing the man, his house guest, his flat mate, dare he even say friend? He wasn't sure what they were. All he knew is what he hoped for them to be.

It was taking longer and longer for him to get from one end of the hall to the other. Harry's worry for the other man once again outgrew his own personal regard for sleep. The steps halted in front of his door for the third time, and before the man could step away Harry spoke with a flick of his wrist to open the door.

"Come in Draco."

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