Chapter 28

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Harry was bored out of his mind. Because he had set everything up the night before, he had nothing to do as he waited for everyone to show up. He was hanging upside down off the couch, throwing the snitch he received from Dumbledore in the air. Maybe Draco would be up to a Seeker's match at some point.

He was so deep in thought that when Draco emerged from his potion's room to the loud sound of beeping, Harry tumbled off the couch.

"Harry what in Salazar's name are you doing?!"

"I'm bored!"

"I knew you'd fall head over heels for me one day Potter."

Instead of answering, Harry just threw the snitch at Draco. To Harry's delight, Draco caught it without even turning around.

"Where was that skill a few years ago hmm?", Harry teased.

"I could beat all of the other Seekers. You however were infuriating and I let my emotions best me. That combined with... training... the cup didn't matter much anymore. And I quit the team anyways."

"I think we should get a match going."

"I don't know Harry."

Harry followed Draco into the kitchen, looking lost.

"Maybe just you and I to start? Think about it, I don't need an answer right now. We have loads of time."

"That we do", Draco replied with a small smile. "Ready for lunch?"

"It's lunch time already?"

"It's 4pm."

Whipping around, Harry was surprised to see that Draco was right.

"You okay Harry?"

"Just a lot on my mind I suppose. I didn't realize how much time had gone past."

Harry had to fight to shake off the physical tremor that was building.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Maybe later. After a drink or two."

"Are you going to need a hangover potion?"

"Merlin no. I never let myself drink that much. Not anymore at least. I physically could not drink to forget, it just amplified everything. I don't drink much anymore, just when the gang comes round. Besides, I'm not going to get plastered and leave you to kick them all out."

"My hero."

Harry scoffed before he could stop it.

"Sorry. My Sunshine", Draco corrected.

"Much better Moonbeam."

"I'm just going to wash up then ice everything. By then the macaroni and cheese will be cool. Do you want to take that out of the oven and toss a salad?"

"Sure thing Dray."

"Thanks darling!", he yelled over his shoulder.

Harry flushed and set off to work. He was just setting out plates when there was a knock at the door.

"Harry you said 5!", Draco yelled from down the hall.

"I said most likely! It's probably Ron and Mione!"

"It is! Can we come in or are you two going to keep yelling?"

Ron's muffled yell was enough to make Harry chuckle. Rolling his eyes, he opened the door to let his best mates in.

"Are we interrupting something?"

"Oh no Hermione, Draco and I were about to have lunch", Harry replied as he greeted his friends.

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