Chapter 41

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{ Dedicated to TanithBot  thank you for all of the votes! No one was gonna tell me I forgot to link the song a few chapters back so here it is.

Get excited for this chapter. Lots of love my dearest readers, enjoy}

It had been a few days since Draco had been sick, and it was time for Harry to meet with Viktor. The two had yet to speak about their problems in depth. Harry was taking some space to think things through, and Draco was either in his potions lab, sleeping, or sleeping in the lab. Harry tried to monitor how much time he spent in there to try to keep him from getting sick again.

The peace Harry felt once he woke up was soon filled with existential dread. He really didn't want to speak to Krum, especially about Ginny. He debated sending Hermione in his place as the two still wrote every so often, much to Ron's annoyance. Ron trusted Hermione though, and he was working towards getting over his jealously.

Before going, Harry reread the letter he had received. He'd much rather confess that he was quite certain he was in love with Draco Malfoy before dealing with whatever this was. Pressing a kiss to Draco's head, he carried him upstairs into his own room, having found him asleep on the couch in his lab again, and tucked him in.

"You're going now?", he whispered quietly.

"It's something I need to get over with."

"Good luck Sunshine. Love you."

Harry couldn't get over his shock fast enough to reply before Draco had fallen back asleep. Nonetheless, he still whispered a quiet "love you too", before he left. He sat at the kitchen table with a cup of tea and some toast, waiting on Hermione's arrival.

"Important meeting?", she asked.

"Apparently so. Will you be seeing Krum too while he's in town?", Harry asked, sliding a cup of tea over.

"Yes, I will. He's coming over to the Burrow tonight for dinner."

"Good luck. I best be off. Draco is still asleep. You have free reign of the house of course."

"I'm sorry for what I did Harry, to the both of you. Neither of you deserved that. I don't know what I was thinking."

"Even the most brilliant witch of our age has to mess up sometimes right?"

She snorted and hit Harry lightly on the arm.

"There's some soup you can heat up for lunch. I don't quite know when I'll be back."

"It'll be alright. Does Draco know who you're meeting?"

"I only told him I had a meeting. Good luck with your potions, I don't want to be late."

With one last hug, Harry was off. He stopped in to see Minerva first. Some maternal comfort was needed.

"Hello Harry. No Draco today?"

"He's sick. Long story, we had a fight. We're working through it. Hermione is with him right now."

"I'm still surprised you haven't killed each other yet.'

"You and I both Snape. We've mostly gotten over it. I'm actually here to see Viktor Krum though."

"I'm aware. He's on the pitch waiting for you. Wood is talking his ear off I'm afraid."

"That's not surprising at all", Harry responded with a snort. "If any two people were to kill each other, it would be Oliver and Draco. They don't see eye to eye on much. We had a very uncomfortable dinner together."

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