Chapter 19

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Draco was the first one to wake up the next morning. Harry was laying on top of his chest and Draco kissed the top of his head. He could get used to mornings like this.

The two men had slept well after the interesting events that had happened in the early morning. It was Draco who had had enough will power to pull back and tell Harry that they should sleep before things went too far too soon. He had agreed, and they held each other as they fell asleep. It just felt so... right.

When Harry woke up on Draco's chest he unknowingly felt the same exact way. He felt a real connection with Draco that he had never felt with anyone else. 

He nuzzled his face into Draco's shirt and sighed in contentment.

"Good morning Sunshine."

"Morning Dray.", he replied quietly.

"Did you sleep okay the second time?"

"Mhmm. Did you?"

"Like a rock."

"I'm glad."

Draco absentmindedly tangled his fingers in Harry's hair.

"Stop thinking about it. We're fine."

"How did you-"

"If there was a Malfoy OWL I'm sure I would've gotten an O on it."

Draco laughed and hugged Harry a little bit tighter.

"Yes I'm sure I would've gotten an O in Potterology."

"After last night you definitely would have.", Harry said wickedly. "Very outstanding indeed."

"Oh there's more where that came from whenever you're up to it."

"I like the sound of that."

Draco leaned down and lightly nipped at Harry's ear.

"Breakfast? Or should I say lunch? It's noon."

"Or we can just lay here and cuddle."

"You need to eat Sunshine."


Harry huffed and rolled off of Draco. Draco missed him immediately and pulled Harry back.

"5 more minutes.", he conceded.

The men laid there in silence, thinking about what this new development meant in their relationship. Neither Draco or Harry were ready for something too serious as they needed to fix themselves first. They didn't want to label it as friends with benefits either because that implied their feelings towards each other were meaningless. For now, they were just Harry and Draco. And that was enough.

"Okay let's go eat now."

Harry got up and grabbed two shirts from Draco's drawer. He tossed one behind him for Draco and slipped his own on.

For Draco he had chosen one of his favorite sweaters, but Harry grabbed a t-shirt knowing he would be doing some cleaning today. The sweater choice for Draco had nothing to do with the fact that Harry loved how it slipped off of Draco's shoulder and exposed his neck collarbone.

"Do you want breakfast or lunch?"

"Whatever you feel like making. I'm not picky."

"Okay. I'm gonna go change my pants."

As soon as Harry walked out, Draco closed his door and walked to the mirror. Pulling off his shirt, he looked in amazement at how marked his skin was.

The beginning of the night was a blur with how upset he had been, but Harry had definitely helped ground him last night physically, but mentally he was in a fog. He ran his fingers over all of the marks, and he wished his lips were as bruised as his skin. Especially his collarbone.

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