Chapter 34

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This chapter is dedicated to Erakun06 thank you for all of your lovely comments! They were so sweet, and keep me motivated to continue writing!

{A/N: drawing credits to the artist of this picture, their watermark is in the bottom right! Buckle up this chapter is 4966 words}

The potion worked in a strange way. Harry had been awake and there was light until suddenly, he was encompassed by darkness. Draco didn't lie, his mouth was extremely dry.


Harry was surprised that Draco was there. He had been expecting Neville. Harry all but chugged the glass of water.

"What time is it?"


"Are you telling me I slept for 15 hours?"

"You needed the rest Harry."

"Where are my-"

Draco handed Harry his classes.

"Have you just been watching me sleep?"

"I slept on and off", Draco replied with a wave.

"But your potion?"

It came out sounding more like a question.

"Is not more important to me than you. I never meant for it to seem that way and I'm sorry Harry. I know that we need to talk about everything and work on fixing things. If you want to that is. I understand if you just want me to leave."

"Draco I told you from that beginning that no matter how bad things get you always have a home with me. Even if we're both stupid prats."

"I can agree on that."

Harry sat up and leaned against his headboard.

"Did you sleep on the beanbag?"

"I wanted to make sure you didn't have a poor reaction to anything."

"You could've slept in my bed you know."

"I don't know where we stand and I didn't want to cross any boundaries. This is fine."

"I'm still upset with you, but come here."

Harry patted the spot next to him and Draco tentatively crawled into bed, allowing Harry to pull him into his arms.

"This doesn't change anything", Harry warned again. "I'm still tired and sore. But I've really missed having you around Draco."

"All of my days felt off without you. I thought I was just doing too much, which I was, but I will never let something like what happened yesterday happen ever again."

"Don't make promises you can't keep Draco", Harry replied, closing his eyes with a sigh.

"Then I promise to do my best. We'll talk about it tomorrow, you need to rest. I'm going to make a strict time schedule and follow that."

"We'll talk tomorrow."

Harry just snuggled into Draco and somehow, fell back asleep.

Neville arrived at noon with some lunch, as he had promised. Harry was awake in his bed, and Draco was sleeping next to him with his arm slung around Harry.

"How are you feeling mate?"

"I've been better. I just feel kind of off I suppose?"

"I brought lunch. Did you two kiss and make up?", he teased.

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