Chapter 36

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{ A/N: Hello my darlings, thank you for 3.18K it's absolutely crazy to me that people are actually reading and enjoying it. I read every single comment, sometimes multiple times, and they never fail to make me smile. Thank you, much love.

*Fanart credit to @/alek.dar on instagram*

Dedicated to iamweird552 their comments always make me laugh and they laugh at all of my stupid jokes. On with the story }

"Oh my Salazar Harry, hurry up!"

"Relax Draco! I'm just collecting my sketches."

"If I could leave without you, just know that I would Potter."

"Don't get all snarky Slytherin with me Malfoy or I'll leave your arse at home."

"I'm sorry I'm just excited. And anxious."

"It'll be alright Moonbeam. I'll be out on the Quidditch pitch practically the whole day, so if you need me you know where to find me alright?"

"Of course."

"Shall we?"

Draco knew if he didn't go with Harry right now, he'd never go back. He accepted Harry's arm, and felt himself being pulled away. The progress that had been made stopped Draco in his tracks. He hadn't been back here since he was 17 years old.

"Are you okay Dray?"

"I don't know. This all feels so... familiar yet different."

"The pitch can wait, I have to see McGonagall first anyway. I'll walk around with you. I didn't do too well here on my first time alone, so if you need me I'll be right next to you."

"I appreciate you Harry. Much more than you know."

"I do know. It's the same way I appreciate you Draco."

With a smile, he wrapped his arm around Draco's waist, and they walked up to the castle together.

"Should I carry you through the threshold?", Harry teased.

"We are legally bound, it only seems like the right thing to do."

Laughing, Harry picked up Draco into his arms, spun them around once, and walked through the doors to the castle.

"Us becoming friends and living together is one thing, but us being friendly here, where it all started and ended, just makes everything so much funnier."

"Oh believe us it's funnier from this angle", Pansy replied with a snort.

Harry almost dropped Draco as the other man turned in surprise.

"Headmistress McGonagall. Erm... hello?"

Harry just laughed and set Draco down.

"Hello Minerva."

"Boys. Although I feel as if it's only appropriate to call you men now. You've truly done some growing up, and I couldn't be more proud of you."

"You're both lucky that I took that vow thing Potter because these photos of the two of you looking all cozy would set the rest of my bloodline up for life."

"What an... interesting... choice of entrance."

"It's an inside joke Minerva. Parkinson it is a very good thing isn't it? Especially since I have the photos and videos from the other night."

Pansy paled and McGonagall just shook her head. She didn't want to know what she was missing.

"Draco. It's good to see you. And please, you're grown, call me Minerva."

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