Chapter 21

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Groaning, Harry half hearted swatted in Draco's direction and rolled over.

"Madame Pomfrey is here."

Harry sat up like he had been electrocuted.

"Is everyone okay?! Did something happen?!"

"Everyone is fine. I didn't mean to startle you Sunshine I'm sorry. She said she had something for you?"


Harry released a deep breath, but still shuddered. He needed to get a grip.

Draco sat next to him and pulled him into an embrace.

"I didn't mean to worry you Harry I'm sorry."

"It was a perfectly normal way to wake someone up. It's not your fault my mind automatically goes worst case scenario."

Draco kissed Harry's forehead and Harry relaxed into his arms.

"Maybe try waking me up that way next time."

"I'll file that away for the future. Did you sleep well?"

"Not long enough.", he admitted.

"Let's see what she has to say about my potion. She seemed rather excited."

Slipping on a random shirt and his glasses, Harry let Draco lead him out the door.

Pleasantries were exchanged and Madame Pomfrey did a preliminary checkup on both Harry and Draco. She chastised Harry for not getting enough sleep, but said she was proud that he was making progress nonetheless.

"These are for you."

She handed Harry a box, that he had assumed were the contact lenses he had asked for. He didn't tell Draco he requested them, he wanted to surprise him with them and see what he thought.

"Thank you."

"Now Mr. Malfoy, I do have to say that I was pleasantly surprised with the potion you had brewed, but I should not have been. I took it myself actually. I didn't wake up once during the night! I think you have real promise."

"Do you think it's safe for Harry to take?"

"I believe so. If Mr. Potter does wish to try it out, I would recommend remaining in the same room as him just to be safe. His mind can be a nasty place due to all of the darkness he's been exposed to, although I can't hope that yours is much better.

Two sides of a coin you two are. It's about time you finally found friendship in each other. Too proud and stubborn for your own good the both of you.", she tutted.

"I agree, we wasted a lot of time."

"Mr. Malfoy I do have to say your change in attitude is very pleasant. You amaze me every day. Very proud of the man that you've become I am. Great things can be done with that potion of yours. Do you think you can brew some for the staff? Nightmares all around I tell you.", she said sadly.

"Of course I can."

"We can pay you-"

Draco help up a hand to silence the mediwitch.

"Please. All I ask for is the ingredients. It's the least I can do."

Madame Pomfrey smiled fondly at the man standing before her, so different than years prior.

"That can be arranged! If you give me a list I can fetch everything at once and have it delivered by end of day. Anything you need that can help, let me know and I will be more than accommodating."

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