Chapter 46

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{Okay wow I feel like I have a lot to say. First of all, thank you for 7k what?! We just hit 6k on April 27th, 2021 and now 7k on May 3rd, 2021. Thank you so much for sticking with this book!

Dedicated to every single one of my readers. I read every single comment this story gets, and I love to see all of the votes come in from people who read the story in one sitting (even though I'm concerned that you're not getting asleep because the read time is 10+ hours.

ALSO to celebrate 7k there's a ~PG-13~ section of the chapter towards the end. It's nothing major or detailed but I'm just putting it out there. I marked it off with ** . Enjoy the chapter! - J }

It was now the day before New Year's Eve, and both boys were buzzing excitedly. Christmas had gone absolutely wonderful. Harry unanimously won best gift. He had spent months curating both physical and digital scrapbooks for every single one of his friends. The digital copies had lots of video footage on them. There wasn't a dry eye in the room.

The rest of the holiday season had been lots of fun. Narcissa felt more alive than she had in years. She had joined her boys in ice skating on a few occasions. Despite her protests, Harry left Narcissa to spend quality alone time with Draco at least once a day. He was very good at making himself busy, she noticed. The room she had been staying in was turned into hers permanently, with Harry informing her that she was welcome at any time.

He had even made adjustments so she would be more comfortable. Currently, her and Draco were having tea on the couch as Harry was adding a second coat of paint, manually, to the walls of his and Draco's new bedroom. There was a knock at the door, and Draco answered it, confusion written all over his face.

"Ah, Draco, just who I wanted to see! Where's Harry? I have news!"

"He's upstairs painting. I'll go get him."

"Wonderful. And how are you Mrs. Malfoy? Has your stay been well?"

Draco went upstairs with a smile on his face as his mother replied that her stay had been "splendid".

"Sunshine? Kingsley is here."

Draco smiled at the emerald green walls. He had promised Harry that he would do silver detailing on the three that were green. The wall their bed would be against would be a silver accent wall. The room right next to this one would be for Teddy once he would be staying over. The other adjacent room was his mother's.

"Did he say what he's here for? I wasn't expecting him."

Harry brushed his hair back with his hand, leaving a trail of paint.

"Can you not be adorable when we have company please?"

Draco grabbed a rag to clean Harry's face off.

"Come on darling, let's see why he's so excited."

"Thanks my love."

Harry felt like the luckiest man alive right now.

"Harry and Draco, yes! Here's my news. Draco, once midnight hits, you'll be free from house arrest! Due to your exceptional potion making skills, we at the ministry are giving you a full pardon. We'd also like to see about mass producing your potion, with you as head brewer of course. I'd like to discuss this with you after the new year?

And Mrs. Malfoy, as you've been away longer than Draco, we believe that we can move you back into The Manor shortly as well. I think by February the latest if Harry helps out."

"Already done", Harry replied firmly.

"What do you think, Draco?"

"I would love to. I don't even know what to say. Thank you Minister."

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