Chapter 33

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Dedicated to hsshhx Thank you for all of the votes and comments! I truly appreciate them.

Harry knew he had messed up big time. After a very light breakfast with McGonagall, he had skipped lunch and gone straight to meet Arthur. They had been at a nasty old house whose walls permeated dark magic.

With all of the sympathetic looks he was receiving, Harry threw himself into his job a lot harder than he needed to. Nibbling on a chocolate square here and there, it only did so much to help him remain alert.

Harry was happy he was getting paid for these visits at least. He didn't exactly need the money, but he didn't want to depend on the money left from his parents and Sirius. Teddy would need someone dependable who could care for him, and that would be Harry. Once he had his emotions better controlled.

Sensing Harry had reached his limit, Arthur apparated him back home. Harry could tell by the lack of rose that Parkinson had gone home, and for that he was thankful.

Normally, Arthur would see to it that Harry went directly into his bed after a case. Today however, was different. As they had left earlier, Arthur needed to apparate back immediately since his job was not done.

Leaning on the wall next to the stairs, Harry had watched Arthur go into the kitchen, write their return time on the calendar, yell a goodbye, and leave.

Without the help, Harry gritted his teeth and began his journey. It felt like ages before Harry made it up the stairs. Unconsciousness was fighting to take over. As he stepped on the last step of the first landing, he crumpled to the ground.


Neville was running late. He had a practice exam for one his NEWTs today, and told Harry he would be over by 4 to make sure he was doing okay. Dark magic really took its toll on Harry, and Neville knew Draco had no clue what Harry was even up to lately.

Picking up some dinner on the way, Neville finally arrived to Harry's house.

"Harry I'm here!"

There was no answer, which Neville didn't find to be too odd. Either Harry wasn't home yet, he was in the shower, or he was asleep. Casting a stasis charm on the food, Neville went to go and check on Harry.

He tried yelling up the stairs this time so his voice would carry.

"Hey Harry sorry I'm late- Merlin Harry!"

He ran to the stairs, sending a kitchen chair crashing to the ground.

"What's all of the noise out here- My God, Harry!"

Neville made it to the stairs first, and checked his pulse as all George Weasley could do was stare.

"Write Pomfrey, quick!"

"What's wrong- What happened to Harry?!"

"I don't know I just got here."

"How long has he been here?"

"Draco how am I supposed to know?!", Neville yelled. "You two are the only ones who've been home with him! And you didn't even notice he was unconscious on the landing!"

Neville stunned them into silence. Gone was the quiet and timid boy he used to be. That boy had begun to fade away year 5, and he completely died in year 7 to be replaced by a strong, level-headed man. Neville learned the hard way that he was Gryffindor through and through.

He went to the bathroom and got a cool towel to place on Harry's head, and one more to put on each wrist. He removed Harry's tie and had to use magic to remove the button up as it was stuck to him due to sweat and his body heat.

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