Chapter 37

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{ Dedicated to Dragonfirehyun  for some of the nicest comments I've ever gotten on my writing. Thank you for being so sweet! Photos credits to the artist. This was one of my absolute favorites to write! }

They arrived home and quickly set out to get ready, chastising the other about how long it had taken them to get home.

"I'll pick out clothes for us, go shower. I'll just use the other bathroom."

"Perfect, thank you."

Harry left Draco's bag in his lab, then set out to get clothes for them. He chose neat black jeans for the both of them, a nice blue button up that would go well with Draco's gray eyes, and a pair of his boots. Harry chose a green button up that Hermione insisted made his eyes pop, along with a pair of combat boots. Tonight, he would forgo the glasses and try out the contact lenses from Madame Pomfrey that he had gotten ages ago. They were supposed to magically melt onto the eyes to make it feel like there was nothing at all.

The anticipation of Draco's reaction had Harry excited. In his mind, this was a double date so he would dress to impress. All he would add is a glamour to hide his scar so that if anyone does think he's Harry Potter, they'll realize they're wrong when they see his hair pushed back to show a smooth forehead.

Rarely was he ever recognized in the muggle world anyway. This was just a precaution. He truthfully couldn't be bothered with the general public. His main goal was keeping Draco safe. If anyone dared to disrespect Draco, Harry promised they would not live to tell the tale unless they immediately apologized. Maybe accompanied by some grovelling.

Showering quickly, he got ready with a new sense of purpose, and the feeling of happiness. He hoped it was more than a fleeting glimmer as it had been previously. Harry didn't want to be too optimistic, but he felt there was nothing that could ever truly come between himself and Draco. They had started the war on opposite sides but they ended it together, with some sort of friendship, always seeming to teeter on the line between best friends and lovers.

If Harry was being completely honest with himself, he thought Draco was his soulmate, if they were to ever exist. There was something about the way that he filled Harry up with such strong emotions that he had only felt in Draco's presence. Over the years, the feelings had grown from anger, to jealousy, to understanding, and finally acceptance. Now they were both on the edge of falling, but Harry didn't mind, so long as Draco was there to catch him.

"Sunshine, are you ready?"

"Almost Moonbeam, just trying to fix my hair."

"Yeah that'll be the day", Draco sneered, most of the old malice lost in his playful tone.

"Oh yeah? You wanna bet?"

"It doesn't seem fair to bet when I know I'll win, but okay Harry, you're on."

Draco was fixing his own hair in Harry's mirror, waiting for the other man to arrive. Satisfied, and smiling at himself in the mirror, he caught Harry peeking at him from the side of the doorway.

"C'mon Potter, I'm ready for my prize."

"It's a drastic change. I don't think you're ready Malfoy."

"I am a Malfoy. I'm ready for anything."

Smirking, Harry walked into the room and Malfoy immediately fell back against the bed, eyes wide.

"I... you... wow.'

"I thought Malfoy's were never speechless hmm?"

"I'll make an exception this one time. Damn Harry."

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