Chapter 32

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A/N: hi, quick question for everyone. Do you prefer when I do shorter chapters like this and break the scene up into multiple parts, or would you rather have it be longer as 1 part?

It had been three weeks now. When Harry saw the sunflowers the morning after the dinner, he was hopeful that things would get better. But instead, they had gotten even worse.

The music room George had created broke Harry down into tears. He spent a lot of time there, and even took Luna up on the idea of painting a mural of all of his friends. It was a beautiful accent wall. Luna was truly talented.

Today however, this was not enough to get him through the day. Harry couldn't do it anymore. It had been just over a month since he'd really spoken to Draco. Harry didn't quite feel anything anymore, he was constantly numb. It was Halloween.

You'd think by now it would hurt less, mourning the family you had never even gotten to know. He had turned 19 back in July. At this age his parents were married. He was born when they were 20, and they had died at 21.

Harry was up early. It was 4am, and he had a lot to do today. He cast a silencing charm so as not to disturb anybody.

After the sunflowers appeared, Draco had asked if Pansy would be allowed to visit. This was the last time the two men had really talked. Harry had forgiven her during the war trials. She was a scared Slytherin. Their sense of self-preservation was strong. She had worked to protect everyone who had stayed behind in the castle, so Harry figured she'd come around in the end.

At least Draco always managed to remember to jot down on his calendar when Pansy would be popping in. It was probably for his own benefit since he never seemed to check what Harry had written down on his own calendar. Harry would know, as he often left notes asking Draco to do something small to see if he actually bothered checking where Harry was. The note about her didn't however, include that she would be spending the night. In Draco's room.

With a shake of his head, Harry emerged from his room wearing all black, with a Gryffindor red tie as the only accent. He liked to visit Godric's Hollow when it was early so he could spend time with his parents, then Sirius, and then Remus and Tonks. It only felt right that those who had been friends with his parents were buried together.

With shaking hands, Harry went down to the kitchen to make some tea. He was stopped in his tracks to see a few boxes of chocolate on the counter. Casting a quiet Lumos, he saw a few of them were the brand that Remus would always give him.

The note on top of the box had him even more surprised.


Professor Lupin always said eating chocolate would make you feel better. I purchased a few boxes of what he would hand out during the school year. However, I think you'll find my favorite brand may suit your liking better.

I'm sorry, I know today is hard. I hope this helps a little bit.

~ Pansy Parkinson

It wasn't even 4:30 and Harry was already crying. This woman who was most certainly not his friend had done something so kind for him. He filled his pockets with different flavors of chocolate, and also pocketed the note. He knew he wouldn't be able to eat much today as he already felt sick, but as Remus said "eat, you'll feel better."

He had his tea on the finally finished back deck, and inhaled the frigid morning air. At 4:30, armed with his invisibility cloak, he apparated to the florist's shop. He felt bad making the old man come in early, but it was only twice a year where this was needed.

"Here you are Mr. Potter."

"Thank you Sir."

It took Harry two trips to bring all of the flowers to his home. Carefully writing handwritten notes, he began to address them. Flowers for Andromeda and Teddy, McGonagall, Luna, a plant for Neville, a single rose for Pansy he picked up on a whim, and then a potted lily plant for himself, along with a beautiful bouquet of flowers the florist had made him take. 

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