Chapter 26

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Draco could truthfully say he never thought he'd be alone in a room Ron Weasley. He had tried to make himself scarce so that the trio could have some alone time. Draco knew Harry loved spending time with him, but he knew it wasn't healthy to spend every waking moment together.

The time spent with George had made Draco feel human again, the same with Luna. He could talk to Harry about anything and everything, but sometimes it was nice to be around other people.

Ron had approached Draco, who was in the kitchen preparing to rearrange furniture.

"Would you like some help Malfoy?"

"It's fine Weasley. You should go spend time with Harry. He misses you."

"Truthfully, Mione kicked me out of the room and told me to "make myself useful". Wanted to discuss something with Harry I don't know."

"I guess I could use some help then. I wasn't quite looking forward to moving all this stuff by hand."

"By hand?"

"Limited wand usage. I try to be careful with my spells. The last thing I need is to be crushed by a table."

"Harry might blame me and we can't have that can we."

Draco laughed in response and shook his head.

"Bloody hell this is so weird. I'm joking with a Malfoy."

"I'm glad this isn't just weird for me."

"As long as you're as uncomfortable as I am, it's fine by me."

"I suppose it was easier with Hermione. I was pretty bad to her as well, but she always did see the good in people. After she punched me, it really put some things into perspective. Not soon enough, but I think that was the starting point for me that I didn't like who I was.

Don't tell her that though, she might take that as an invitation to hit me some more."

That was all it took to make Ron laugh, and some of the tension in the room dissolved. They continued to talk as they made quick work of the kitchen.

"It was the running joke between us for a while you know. She'd always say to remember that she went easy on you and would have no problem doing the same to us. She hits hard."

Draco watched as Ron rubbed his upper shoulder, a phantom pain being brought to light as he remembered the memory.

"Granger is a fiery one. You know she broke my nose with that punch?"

"Oh Merlin I did?! Draco I'm so sorry!"

"Were you spying on us Granger?", Draco asked with a ghost of a smile on his face.

"Of course not!"

Draco rolled his eyes at the quiet snicker.

"Potter I know you're there too you git."

When he didn't come out on his own, Hermione tugged him into the kitchen by his ear.

"Ouch Hermione really?!", Harry whined.

"It's rude to eavesdrop Potter haven't I told you that?"

"My own broken nose recalls that yes Malfoy."

Both boys winced in sync.

"We just wanted to make sure you boys weren't fighting."

"Contrary to popular belief love, Malfoys and Weasleys can be in the same room without one of us being hurt. Malfoy isn't so bad I suppose."

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