Chapter 16

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Salazar did not, in fact, help Draco. In fact, Draco thinks he made it worse.

"This is what I get for spending my time with bloody Gryffindors.", he thought to himself.

He was fine hiding with George in his room going over ideas. In fact, he preferred it. Draco liked, dare he even say that he loved, spending time with Harry. But it was so nice to be able to talk to another person who didn't care about his past.

George felt the same way about Draco. They never interacted much at Hogwarts as the twins were never on Draco's radar. It was always Ron.

Truth be told, George really cherished their newfound friendship because Draco didn't know him as half of a whole. When people talked to George, they still often looked to his left, waiting for the echo of another joke, or the last half of a sentence. It still hurts to look in a mirror and be missing such a big part of you. The twins had been inseparable. Much like his missing ear, this was one wound that would never truly heal.

The issue with dinner started immediately when Draco followed George downstairs, still chattering away about George's latest idea. Draco had been pleasantly surprised that the night had gone over so well.

As soon as he neared the table, Ginny scowled at him.

"Hello Ginevra."

She didn't even dignify him with a response. He shrugged it off, knowing he was the better person for at least saying hello. Draco watched as Ginny eyed Harry, who was trying to avoid her gaze.

"George can you bring up a few more drinks from the basement."

"Sure mum."

"I'll help you."

"Oh no dear you're our guest."

"Really Molly it's alright."

Draco followed George down into the basement as he heard Ginny scoff.

"Any chance we can get away with eating in your room?"

"Slim to none at best. Mum is very firm on our family dinners. Especially now.", he trailed off quietly.

"I'm sorry."

George shrugged him off.

"You've already offered your condolences. I don't hold anything against you Draco. You helped save so many more lives. We knew what we were getting into."

Draco watched in horror as George looked up at the ceiling with tears in his eyes.

"I know he's with me still. It's cheesy but I can still feel his presence. And I know right now he'd be making fun of me for crying over him again."

Draco wordlessly pulled him in for a hug.

"I prefer this to the alternative though. If he had become a ghost, doomed to haunt Hogwarts forever, I wouldn't have been able to live with myself. At least I know he's at peace. That's all that matters."

George took a deep breath and rolled his shoulders a few times.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to drop that on you. We just came down here for drinks."

"Don't you dare apologize. If you need to talk I'll listen."

"Well, you do have two ears. You might as well use them."

Draco laughed in disbelief. George Weasley was a force to be reckoned with.

"Let's head back up before mum sends a search party for us."

Carrying enough drinks to satisfy a small army, which they were quite frankly, the two men walked up the stairs to hear a tense exchange between Molly and Ginny.

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