Chapter 47

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{Dedicated to Susy0423 thanks for all of the votes! Enjoy the chapter, J}

It was now New Year's Day, and Harry and Draco were getting ready to drop Narcissa off back in France. Draco was ecstatic that he would be able to go and properly say goodbye to his mother.

Midnight the night before had been absolutely magical. Harry and Draco shared a sweet kiss as the new year struck, and after Narcissa retired for the night, the two men quickly tumbled into bed together to start the new year off right.

They hadn't gone all the way yet as they were slowly trying to build up the more physical part of their relationship. Harry and Draco had all of the time in the world to work on themselves as well as their relationship. For now, they really just enjoyed each other's company.

Except when Draco woke Harry up in the worst way possible.

"Draco if you jump on top of me one more time I refuse to kiss you anymore."

"You're difficult to wake up, what else am I supposed to do?"

"I can think of a few more pleasant ways to wake me up than doing that. Next you're just going to push me onto the floor!"

"Oh, is that an option?"

Draco wasn't quick enough to stop himself from landing on the floor in a heap.


"I'm taking a shower before we drop your mother back."

"Oh is that an invitation?", Draco asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"It would've been if you woke me up nicer", Harry replied with a shrug.


"I guess we'll never know."


"Love you!", Harry yelled over his shoulder. "Oh, and wear your Weasley sweater. It's tradition", he added, popping his head back into the doorway.

"And what's in it for me?"

Truthfully, Draco had privately cried to Mrs. Weasley after receiving the sweater. It meant a lot for Harry's family to accept him, and he told her as much. He wouldn't tell Harry that he had gone this soft though.

"A raincheck on the shower? More of what happened last night? I'll keep pretending that I don't know that you secretly love the sweater?"

"Yes to all 3. But, I think that after their mistletoe kiss setup, we should totally mess with them and switch sweaters."

"That would be brilliant! We're totally doing that."

As Harry showered, Draco began to make a late breakfast, leaving his Weasley sweater folded neatly on his bed. He had already been up for hours preparing various desserts with the help of his mother. It was nice spending some last minute quality time with her. His mother had always been his whole world.

"Give the Weasleys my regards will you?"

"Of course mother. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too. I'm glad you have Harry though, and now you have your freedom. I'll be able to join you soon enough. For now, no tears. It shouldn't be too long now until I can at least go back home."

"Good morning Narcissa. Are you all packed, or do you need help?"

"My bags are already by the door, thank you Harry. Take care of my son."

"With my life."

Narcissa cringed.

"Yes, we all know you mean that literally."

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