Chapter 20

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A week had passed, and it was now the beginning of October. Today was the day Harry would unveil the potions room for Draco. Under the guise of shopping, he had picked up many ingredients he thought Draco could use.

His meeting with McGonagall, Minerva as she told him to call her, the previous day had gone very well.


"And how do you find your living arrangements to be?", she asked with an eyebrow raised.

Minerva was one of few who knew that Draco was sentenced to live with Harry as she had been present at all trials, and she served as a maternal figure for Harry.

"Honestly Minerva I love it. We get along very well, it's been great."

"I always knew you two were two sides of the same coin."

She listened intently as Harry went on about how nice it was living with the other man, and she had to contain her grin. Minerva knew the two men were destined to be together. They were more alike than different, and Draco had surprised even her when he came to see her, spilling all he knew about Voldemort's plans. He was more brave that he gave himself credit for.

"Oh, and he asked me to give these to you!"

Harry had handed over a letter, along with a tin. Opening it, she smiled at the freshly baked cinnamon rolls.

"Everyone raves over his desserts, they're spectacular."

She decided this was the perfect time to make some tea. Harry had a few of her special biscuits as she tucked into one of the cinnamon rolls.

"So everything is well?"

"Surprisingly so. It seems like it may be going a little too well, but I've been pushing myself out of that mindset that things must go wrong when they're going good for so long.

We've begun house renovations so that's been giving me a place to put all my energy into. Neville will be coming over in a few days to help out with the garden in between his studies. Hermione and Draco get on a little too well dare I say. I always thought they would, they're the smartest people I know. And-"

"Sorry to interrupt Headmistress. Potter.", Snape's portrait sneered.

Harry couldn't help but quirk a smile at Professor Snape. It was nice to replace the last memory of the professor with him almost alive again in the portrait.

"Professor. How wonderful to see you."

Rolling his eyes lazily he turned back to Minerva.

"There is someone at the front gate to see you about rebuilding matters."

"Oh I'm sorry about this Harry. But you know how it is. Things are never done around here."

"That's alright Minerva. But I also brought something for you. You don't have to open it in my presence, I understand you have important matters to attend to."

Smiling down at Harry, she pulled him into a tight hug.

"It's always good to see you. I'll write soon."

"Of course. I can see myself out."

She nodded, and bustled off down the hall. Turning back to Snape's portrait, he found him watching the exchange.

"Professor, may I ask something of you?"

"If I said no would you be deterred?", Snape drawled.

"Of course not. But it's not about me, well directly anyways, it's for Draco."

At this Snape perked up considerably, and gestured for Harry to take the seat next to his portrait.

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