1 Year of POYH

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Happy Birthday POYH!! <3

{I tried posting this as an announcement but Wattpad said it was too long so I'm rolling with it on here}

I mentally cannot fathom that it's been a year since I've published my first ever Drarry story Piece of Your Heart! This was the first story that I have ever completed, and I'm so proud of it. It's almost at 100K reads, and my second story Ghosts has over twice as many reads.

Whether you've been with me since POYH or you just stumbled upon one of my other Drarry fics today, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I'm truly at a loss for words (especially since I was typing this whole post and Wattpad ever so kindly crashed right before I hit publish so I have to write it again from scratch.)

Thank you for laughing with me, crying with me, and even screaming with me (you love to hate the slow burn) this past year. I never thought that my stories would ever get this much attention, let alone so much love and positivity.

It has truly been one of the greatest pleasures of my life to interact with so many amazing people on here. I've met so many of my best friends through my works on here that it makes me upset to think there was a time where I almost didn't post POYH.

I had given up writing for awhile and wasn't sure whether I wanted to take the leap again. I wouldn't say I fell back in love with Harry Potter because truthfully I've grown up alongside the franchise, but once I started reading Drarry books a few years ago I was hooked.

Harry and Draco have such an intense dynamic that you can take one story idea you may have seen hundreds of times yet still make it your own. That's the beauty of writing really.

I've spoken to many of you on here who are worried your writing isn't good enough or you're scared of posting. I implore you to take the leap. As long as you're writing for you and your heart is in it, that's all that matters. I promise you that the love you have for what you're writing will shine through. It's worth it.

You've all impacted my life in such a wonderful way at some of the times I've needed it the most. Every single comment, private message, or interaction has meant the world to me. I appreciate that you all spend your time to read the ideas bouncing around in my head that I've managed to capture and turn into something cohesive.

I had two main goals that were fairly straightforward when I returned to writing. Number 1: I wanted to make people feel things. The most magical aspect of writing is being able to convey your words in such a way that the readers forget that they're reading a book, and instead feel as if they're actually apart of the scene.

I use writing as my safe space when I need to escape reality, and I'm always content when I see people telling me I updated at the time they needed it most. Thank you for allowing me to be your escape from reality.

Number 2: I wanted to create a safe space where everyone could come together and celebrate the things that they love. You're all so incredibly valid, and it warms my heart seeing everyone in the comments being there for each other. I'm proud of every single one of you.

This ramble ended up longer than the first one, but I felt the need to share a little deeper this time around. Once again, thank you for changing my life. Not a day goes by where I don't receive at least one comment on here that makes me smile.

Stay well and be safe my lovelies.

All my love as always,

Jenny <3

P.S. you'll always have a piece of my heart.

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